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Application	Dev Toolbox	Mismatching parameter list 	\Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\AbstractDumper::dumpLine()	N/A	/applications/toolbox/sources/vendor/symfony/var-dumper/Dumper/CliDumper.php:551

so i have to be sure third party libs pulled in via composer match whatever criteria scanner.php sets out? i wasn't even aware IPS uses anything from symfony, if you do, you probably should namespace it differently since the autoloader isn't psr-4 compliant and there is no way to load/check/compare to your composer.json

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shouldn't the solution to becoming php 8+ compliant, be to start updating and using php 7.x features yourself in your codebase instead of the onus of us not using them?

or at least change the error message, instead of making what is being done is php 8 incompatible, its cause the overridden method (on different return types at least) are cause the method being overridden doesn't use php 7 features, cause it is sending the wrong message that these improvements in php 8 aren't php 8 compatible when they are. 

  • 2 weeks later...
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this is still a problem. i've reported the issue to symfony, but haven't heard anything back from them. I've changed the file manually, but since it is a file that is NEVER used in what i'm calling, its existestance is the problem. been running php 8 for a long while now on my dev for other project and it is ONLY this software suite that seems to have any issues or needs this tool, why is that?

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