Invision Community 4: SEO, prepare for v5 and dormant account notifications Matt November 11, 2024Nov 11
Posted July 24, 20177 yr Here is what I would like to do. Hope someone can tell me how to accomplish. I have created 4 side bar advertising locations. I have placed them at the bottom of my side bar. They are called LowerAD, LowerAD1, LowerAD2 and so on. So I understand the basic (very basic) process. I would like to create a banner location that is specific to pages. For example. I would like to create a custom banner location that appears on all the Index pages. I would like a custom placement for the Index Headder and the Index Footer. I would like to create a custom banner location that appears on the Forum pages. I would like a custom placement for the Forum Header and for the Forum Footer. I would also like to create a custom banner location that appears on the Topics pages. I would like a custom placement for the Topics Header and for the Topics Footer. First question, is this possible? Second Question, Where do I place the code? {advertisement="KEY"} I would like to use something like {advertisement="forumtop"} {advertisement="forumfoot"} {advertisement="Indextop"} {advertisement="indexfoot"} {advertisement="topictop"} and so on. I just do not know where to place this code and if I can even accomplish what I am after. Thanks for any help.
July 24, 20177 yr I think there is an app that does this, correct me if I'm wrong but if not you can have specific ads on specific forums and pages if need be.tou just need to target the templates and forum ids specifically .
July 26, 20177 yr Author I do not know of an app that does this for me. I would love to have something like that. While I do appreciate the advice you have provided I do not know how to do that. That is why I posted this topic. What are those pages called? How do I find them? Where do I insert the code? My signature line is the best way I can say it. I know nothing. Jeff
July 26, 20177 yr maybe this one? check with the author if its compatible for your version first though.I do however know how to display ads on specific forums but it takes some custom coding and would require me to know the forum id etc .
July 26, 20177 yr Author That looks like a nifty application. Too bad I dont know code. I would not be able to fill in the blank forms. I suspect that if I did know code I would not need the application. I dont know what a forum ID is. What I am looking for is this. Go to the Custom Theme page. Click on Edit. Use the HTML button not the CSS. Go to the Forums section under the General section adn click on the Widgett page. Now insert your advertisement code "advertisement"PLACEHERE"> or what ever the code is inbetween the <div class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href='{$topic->url()}' {{if $topic->canView()}}data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target='{$topic->url()->setQueryString('preview', 1)}' data-ipsHover-timeout='1.5' {{endif}}> {{if $topic->isQuestion()}} <strong class='ipsType_light'>{lang="question_title"}:</strong> {{endif}} {$topic->mapped('title')} </a> {{if $topic->commentPageCount() > 1}} {$topic->commentPagination( array(), 'miniPagination' )|raw} {{endif}} </div> </h4> INSERT CODE HERE <p class='ipsType_reset ipsType_medium ipsType_light'> {lang="byline" htmlsprintf="$topic->author()->link()"} {datetime="$topic->mapped('date')"} {{if \IPS\Request::i()->controller != 'forums'}} {lang="in"} <a href="{$topic->container()->url()}">{$topic->container()->_title}</a> {{endif}} </p> Then I can fumble my way thru the rest. Jeff.
July 26, 20177 yr You can make your own custom adverts in the advertisement section in admin panel and make it display conditionally. The guides page shows a good example of this if you would like to tackle it yourself . Bear in mind this will take some template edits and could break your theme so it might b wise to work on a copy of your theme.
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