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Link the "Image" button on editor toolbar to upload

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It would be far more user friendly if someone could upload a picture in to their post by clicking the "Image" button on the WYSIWYG editor. At the moment if you click this image button (which most people would assume enables you to add an image) you just get a field for a URL - i.e. to use remote image hosting. It would be very neat if you could, as possible on Facebook et al., to either put in a URL -OR- upload an image from the same pop-up.


It's been discussed before and hell, I just made a thread on this almost exactly a minute ago.


Brandon already said something about improving attachments and I believe he was talking about adding the attachment form to the fast reply box, but I don't remember the details of what he said. Regardless, what you're suggesting is completely possible in ckeditor because I've seen it on vbulletin and I desperately would like to see it, and would like to see it handled separately from the attachment system already built into IPB.

And more, I'd like to see images that are added to posts as URLs be uploaded to the server.

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Beat you on the whole noticing we cross-posted! :P

IPB is great and starting to pull away from vB (I've used that for 10 years) - but some of the day to day user required basics (like easy image uploading to posts) are being missed in the dust/rush! :)


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