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Calendar: Show also ranged and recurring events in sidebar block!


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Yeah, that is a straightforward request. :D The forthcoming events block on the board index should be able to show ranged and recurring events too... that shouldn't be soooo hard to accomplish!


Then you should probably update the description in the calendar settings: If set to "yes", this will show single forthcoming calendar events on the board index view. It will not show recurring events or ranged events.


You should do that, because - exactly - it "DOES show recurring and ranged events." But the description hints otherwise: When the "Show forthcoming calendar events" setting is set to "YES" and the block is ergo activated, the block does show every event: single, ranged, recurring. But the description says on the contrary: "It will not show recurring events or ranged events." (ALTHOUGH it does...)

I really can't make myself clearer. Or am I missing the point here...?


It seems

Why would we do that, when it DOES show recurring and ranged events. :blink:

It seems you have misunderstanded a bit, thats the actual setting description as T3XT3 point above, not that he suggest changing the desc to...

Oh, bfarber thought, they should add that bold part of my post... no, that is the problematic part of IP.Boards actual description! :D


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