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open up the gate for us to convert?

Guest ikillbill

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We have reported this before on both parties, but VBB said they need to know how to convert IPB password scheme( or something like this)..etc
and IPB was not willing to provide and throw it back to VBB

could IPB please tell how member's password scheme(whatever you name it) and let VBB convert IPB easlier?

as we really want to convert :cool:



Where $member is the information stored in the ibf_members_converge table

$member['converge_pass_hash'] = md5( md5( $member['converge_pass_salt'] ) . md5($password) );


No. There is no 'fix'. Those passwords are encrypted and cannot be unencrypted.

from VBB 's Manager "Steve"

If there is anything sensitive and you don't want to post in public, please let VBB know how-to please?

Since from VBB to IPB is working fine, why not you provide a solution for equally?

I think we've explained this many times before when you've asked :) The process we use to make our password hashes is entirely open - Mark posted it above. But the original passwords cannot be retrieved because they are never stored. Therefore, vB (or any other software) cannot convert them. This is in the interests of security and there's no way around it.


Since from VBB to IPB is working fine, why not you provide a solution for equally?

I believe our convertor imports the passwords from the VB database and uses the VB method of logging in until the user signs in successfully whereupon it starts using the IPB method of logging in for them.

There's no reason I can think of that vBulletin can't do that - it's not our job to provide an IPB to VB convertor - that's their job, and it's not our fault if they can't figure out how.

I believe our convertor imports the passwords from the VB database and uses the VB method of logging in until the user signs in successfully whereupon it starts using the IPB method of logging in for them.

There's no reason I can think of that vBulletin can't do that - it's not our job to provide an IPB to VB convertor - that's their job, and it's not our fault if they can't figure out how.

Oh, they know how all right. But their official take has always been "we're not going to modify ImpEx to do that". So converting passwords directly is impossible, no matter how much you want it. IPS isn't going to compromise security just so you can migrate to competing software easier, and Jelsoft isn't going to change ImpEx because... well, I've never understood their reasoning.

It wouldn't make sense for IPS to provide VB with a way to convert their software, it would be backwards thinking really (telling users to convert their forum software as it is insufficient compared to VB). Also seeing how IP.Board is more capable than VB. VB should really code around it, or pay IPS oodles and oodles of money :P


It wouldn't make sense for IPS to provide VB with a way to convert their software, it would be backwards thinking really (telling users to convert their forum software as it is insufficient compared to VB). Also seeing how IP.Board is more capable than VB. VB should really code around it, or pay IPS oodles and oodles of money :P

In my opinion if someone wants to convert to VB that's their prerogative, but we've given them everything they need... I suppose if VB doesn't want users to convert to them, that is up to them.

(Incidentally there are zero known bugs in our convertors)


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