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Banning IP Addresses

Guest Mark Goldstein

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I get a handful of spam messages every day. Usually I delete the message and user and add their IP address to the ban list. It's just occurred to me that unless they have a fixed IP address, this won't be very useful.

Is it really worth banning IP addresses in this way, or should I just clear my ban list now, and if not, what is the best way to deal with the spammers?


In my opinion, ip is not the best way to ban. If they are using a proxy, banning the ip will do nothing. The best thing as far as banning goes, is to ban the email address. Do something like this - *@email.com which will prevent anyone registering with that email address.


The best thing as far as banning goes, is to ban the email address. Do something like this - *@email.com which will prevent anyone registering with that email address.

I understand the problem with dynamic IP addresses, so I use the email address banning option as a preference. However, there's one thing I've always needed to clarify... What happens to existing (legitimate) members' accounts if their email domain is banned after they've registered?

For example, I have a few legitimate members using the web.de domain for their email accounts... but I'm getting up to 20 spammers a day registering new accounts using that domain. If I was to ban the domain outright by using *@web.de, would that only ban all new registrations trying to use that domain, or would my legitimate web.de members suddenly find that they're banned, too?

Hhmm. Okay, thanks.

What are my options, then? I suppose I could ask all my legit web.de members to find an alternative email domain to use, and then ban it. I know one thing's for sure... I just can't keep spending so much time each day deleting *@web.de accounts! I'm fed up with it!


I guess you could get a mod put together, or you could use one of the Anti-Spam mods on IPSBeyond, but I think that banning it and asking your members using it to change email is perhaps the "easiest" or "path of least resistance".

I've linked a few of the anti-spam mods on IPSB for you to look at:
http://www.ipsbeyond.com/forums/index.php?...mp;showfile=559 (this one is apparently REALLY good)


One thing that would be nice is the option to add a comment when you ban a IP address. I have banned lots of them but I cant remember who used which address so I cant delete any of them.


There is a modification for that as well by FuSoYa.

You would need to go to his site or IPSB to get it.

Edit: It's called (FSY21) Ban Filter Reasons OR (FSY22) Ban Filter Reasons if you plan to use it on IPB 2.2 :)


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