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"http://" forced added for URL TAG !

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Well I noticed this feature in 2.1.3 version. It was not there in the earlier version!!

I have two domain pointing to my forums. I will discontinue one of the domain for other purpose.

..::BEFORE::.. version 2.1.1
When I use to post the links which point to my own forum i use to put it like this

[url = /forums/index.php?=blablabla] CLICK HERE [/url]

I gives me a dynamic link, ie the link would point to same location even if i change my domain or IP. When I post the above TAG it the link comes out like this.


..::Now Version 2.1.3::.. Now when I repeat the above step ie use the TAG like this

[url = /forums/index.php?=blablabla] CLICK HERE [/url]

Now when I post it the out come is not a dynamic link :ermm: . This is what I get now


If IPB does not add that Http:// then the link would again become dynamic. I know most of the ppl don't add http:// when adding a URL & IPB is helping them out, but now its difficult to post dynamic & as well as non standard links like emule:// or steam:// etc etc Yes the above forced addition of http:// has limited the URL post. Like for me I also host steam server list, (COUNTER STRIKE). The steam server can be joined simple by clicking on steam://servername etc etc!! Also for DC Hubs I use dchub://hubaddress Now when I do the same on newer version 2.1.3 it processor link this




none of the above links work any more!! Can you provide an option for disabling this feature ??

Also should I post the same in BUG report forum too ??

I think this would be a good idea too.

This question has been presented to myself all too often...

In the build QA is testing, if there is no http it is not parsed at all. We're thinking on how to improve this, as it isn't quite as intuitive. The problem is some people just enter something, and then the link is misformatted, and then that was reported as a bug. Not really IPB's fault, but we're trying to accomodate everyone and find a way for IPB to handle those links.

Question though...how did you add alternative protocols, given that the post parser libraries check specifically for https and ftp (and possibly one or two others). It shouldn't have let them post as actual urls unless you modified the file. :unsure:

No I did not modify any files, I simply downloaded from client area & updated my version!! Hmm ya I am not using default skin but it does't work on dfault also !!

Just let me try here


Also as u meantioned most as most of the ppl just type anything & report as bug... :ermm: Hmm I do agree but can it be disabled ?? or say only for MODs??

Because in my forum I hav less of nOobs (fingers crossed) so I guess i can manage without it. :rolleyes:

Oh I thank IPB always ;)

Well, we'll figure out something. ;) Not sure what yet.

  • 5 weeks later...

Well, we'll figure out something. ;) Not sure what yet.

Its has not been resolved on 2.1.4 also! Are u still working on it for future updates?

Its has not been resolved on 2.1.4 also! Are u still working on it for future updates?

If such a feature would be added, it wouldn't be until 2.2 or 3.0 ;)

you need only to edit post_parser.php functions
1 regex_build_url find




2 convert the same as in 1 3 unconvert find


and add


Works like a charm. Looks like issue solved.

  • 2 weeks later...

Mirc G8 !!

Well I used it other way ;) I removed


Now my links are Dynamic again!!

IPB developers please note this situation:

I am the Admin to a very private forum for the COMPANY I am working with. This is intranet, but other catch is that, network is divided, for security reasons & more stuff, v have two networks with diffrent IP ranges. My job is to make this forum acceable to both side of the network, these employees froms diffrent department post there request & reports here. Now in few more weeks I there will be another intranetwork setup so mean 1+ IP range. One cannot communicate between these network & yet I manage to setup the server which hosts multiple IPs & kinda links the 2 network tru forums. So the links given to the FTP folder on the SERVER needed to be dynamic.

All i wanted to suggest is, infuture please add an option in ACP ;)
ThanX a lot guys! My seniours will be impressed.

you need only to edit post_parser.php functions

1 [b]regex_build_url[/b] find




2 convert the same as in 1 3 unconvert find


and add


hello mate i dont get it

explain it clearly

that was too clear.. any clearer and you would see through it.

so can u tell me it clearer

This forum is for sharing your ideas and suggestions for improvement as it relates to Invision Power Board.

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hello mate i dont get it

explain it clearly

Find in /sources/lib/post_parser.php ...

// Auto parse URLs

Just below that find ...


Add after ..


----------------------------------- Next find ..

 // unconvert:

Just below that find ..


Add after ...


----------------------------------- Then find ..

 // Make sure it's a "proper" url

Just below that find ...


Add after ..



Make sure everything stays within the BRACKETS ( )



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