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Profile fields

Please read the first post then vote 14 members have voted

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This is sort of like the other topic however it's a bit different.

This request is to do a sort of overhaul on the custom profile fields concept to be like custom settings are done.

With custom settings, you can create not only the title, description, etc, but you can also say if it's the start of a new section (and/or the ending of one). This concept, which I am certain Matt could do in his sleep, would help to progress the concept of a profile to the next level. Skinning would be a bit easier (I would imagine), but without skinning, an admin would be able to add/move/edit/delete fields with ease.

With the custom settings, you can create groups (which appear on the main settings page), then in each group, you have settings, which can also be grouped together (or sectioned off). If there was something like that for the profile fields, then someone could easily create a group (Communications since it's a good example and already in use), specify the order it's shown, as well as size (either half-column or full) and in there, they could create the fields as usual.

It'd also be nice if there was a way of making a field conditional for showing up. Sort of like the <if> in the skins, so that fields like linking to the blog (for example) would still only work if the blog module is available, or it could be used to check if the member is allowed to receive PM's and if the viewer is allowed to send them (if not then don't have the option to PM them).

Perhaps be able to specify which groups can (see/use) certain fields or at least the values to them. Like, if you want guests to be able to view peoples profiles but you do NOT want them to be able to see information such as a persons messenger (but that the information is supported), that would add that ability to it. :D

well the community knows how i feel about this +Million

as long as i'm able to create/edit/delete fields, including the IM's and location, interests, dob, etc
as well as being able to create/edit/delete the tables such as Information, Additional Information, Communication.

that will knock this feature straight on the head and IMO make 2.1 a billion times better than it was before.

There's no way that this will make it into v2.1

If it gets accepted and added, it'd be 3.0 (hopefully). Only way in the world this would make it into v2.1 is if Matt were to decide to pull an ultra surprise, which isn't very likely to happen.

This feature would let you control each table (group), so you could limit what's shown, re-arrange, re-group(mix it up), make new groups, add to/del from a group, etc.

The "conditional" feature would be the nice thing, because then you could prevent someone from signing up just to view profiles to get information, but you could let every see the general profile so they could get an idea to who someone is (when they signed up, etc)


(added poll)

Please vote and then tell why or why not (if you don't mind)

Please keep in mind that the idea of the poll is to show the overall interest, it doesn't mean that it will (or won't) be added in the future. (Basically, even if it gets tons of YES votes, it doesn't mean that Matt has to do it so no one cry ok?) :-"

this is such a shame, as i dont feel like purchasing IPB at the current time, as those custom profile fields are essential to the design of my website, cause in the Skin Manager's RenderRow in TopicView the whole load of custom fields are added through one line of IPB code. Which makes skinning individual fields impossible.

What could you possibly need to do that would make skinning them difficult/impossible to do via the html code per custom field?

i have a dotted box around each field! on the Topic View so like i have added <table</table> to each INDIVIDUAL field in the RenderRow, but if i add custom ones they wont show as individual, they will just be added by {[custom_fields]} or something similar to that code.

You can just include the code to do it in each field. A bit of a pain, I know, at least if you have several to redo. But then you could have a different color per field too. :D

yeah actually that works fine! one problem i still have though is that i want to be able to change the location field to a drop down box instead of it being a text box! if its possible to do this, then i shall be happy about the default profile fields feature not making it into the next release of IPB.


  • 2 months later...

yes yes yes


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