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my ideas

Guest Dlf

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Some of the staff might reconizse some of these ideas. :lol:

1. Activity Bar:
This would show the activity of members on the fourm, daliy. And you could get rid of those that do not help that much, and or dont' even visit the forum that much.

2. Search by Post Count

There should be a feature where you can search for members by their post count, aka, those with 0 posts, 10 posts, 2500 posts, etc. and here is a bit more explained

I think there should be a search by post count option in the Member Advanced Search part of Find/Edit/Suspend User section of the admin CP

because i like to put all members who have posted 0 times and have been registered for a month in a differen't user group and searching by post count would make it more easier. It would also be helpfull to the people who want to delete 0 posters, so they could look up all the names in shorter time.

3. Poll options

In the admin CP i think there should be more poll options like..

One vote per IP address
One vote per cookie (it could track their cookies and see if they have voted or not)
Track member's votes (admins could see the user names or IP address's that voted in the poll)

Yeah, I know about the cookie, they could vote, then delete the cookie then vote again. And I know about a IP proxie/dial up.

4. Tag deletion

Just wanted some user input on this idea (aswell as suggesting it).

We all know that occasionally members report posts. But what if somehow, a member could click a button, and a little icon would appear in front of the topic. Like a red check or something, meaning that a member has reported it. I think that it would make deleting those "unwanted" posts much easier.

5. Disable double posts!

As loads of members know, if people can double post they can SPAM a fourm, or a topic, but with this it would stop they member or member group from double posting, it could be like the flood control, admin and global mods could bypass this while members, and other groups can't, but you could also have this per fourm, like in the "learn to count" topic, we somtimes double or even quaddrouble post but if IPB has this IPB coulc make it so every fourm has a dobule post limit exect the "testing" fourm so we could double post more offten in the forum without worring about getting an error message (flood control message)

6. Fourm Wrappers

With this, I mean that diffrent fourms of your fourm can have diffrent wrappers, like the IPB annouocments could have a news fader that posted the news and updates while like the Technology chat doesn't have it, or you could have the IPB General Support have a news fader that scrolls the rules up and down.

7. Manual name change every x days

What I mean with this feature is, that without PMing a admin (root/non root (if you made a non root group) ) and or a global mod with ACP Acess, a member can change their own name them selvs every x days, but say I changed my name to like dbzlotrfan next time I post, if someone hovers over my name it would show what I changed my name from, which would be dlf.

8. Different ranks for different groups

I would like the ability to have different rankings for different groups as an option, and a "default" ranking system if no is selected for "speciality groups."

As in a option for special ranks, if set to no would equal the default ranks. Or you could also make this for members without putting them in another group.

9. Word filter per group or member

Curently, board wide if their is a word filted it is replaced by something else, but I think it would be a good idea to have it per group and or member, like the admins group can post thing like FF (not going to unabreavte it) and it doesn't change to mullet, while for the members, it does.

10. Per member

It would be nice to be able to change many of the things that are customizable per group on a member-by-member basis. For example, the upload size, number of PMs, username colors, etc. I know there are codes to change some of those things, but it would be nice to have an easy way to modify them for a certain member.

11. Save post

Sometimes when I'm in the middle of writing a long post, I have to go and do something else before I'm finished writing the post. I therefore have to either come to a quick end and post, then maybe come back and edit later or make another post with the rest of what I want to say in, or I have to copy and paste the post into Notepad and save it on my hard disk. What I think would be a good idea is if there was a "save post" button alongside the "add reply" and "preview post" buttons, then you could come back to it and finish it at a later time.

Yeah and I know about how you could just keep the browser open, but what if you have an older/yonger brother/sister that wants to use the computer, he/she installs something that asks them to restart the computer? With this you could just save the post, and no matter how many times you rebooted the post would still be saved. And the post would be saved to your profile, so that EVEN if you had to get a new computer/reformat the post you saved would still exist, and you could have like about 5 or more postes saved at a time.

12. Delete all member post/topics

There should be a delete all posts by the member feature, and a "delete all topics by this member".

13. Sort topic by locked, posted in, etc.

I noticed in the Invision Power Board company forums, when you view a forum, a lttle bit near the bottom, there is something like this:

Then when you click on "Topics: All", it will look something like this:
What about making it go even futher? Like you can have it say "all open topics" but what about like "all open topics I mde

14. See what was orgainally there

In this topic here the name says rate the fourm but when you look at the topic it says rate the banner and says

This post has been edited by Slash on June 18, 2004 03:39 PM

meaning he edited his post, also there is a banner there right? well i was thnking that if its possible make it so that mods/admins can see what was org posted if a post has been edited, in the topic there used to be a link to a fourm which is y I said the

-[color="red"] Absolutely NO ADVERTISING, please. Keep posts on-topic. [/color]

Ths would help maybe the IPB/FF team the most, becuse then they if a post has been edited they can see what used to be there. And yes, you could turn this off/on for mods and admins so they you dont' ahve to ALWAYS see what was first their before they edited the post.

15. Fourm Support ticket

Even i'm not that strong of this idea. I was thinking tough is that since a lot of people latley have been locked out of the ACP or gotten their board deleted, there could be a fourm or a redirect place in the main fourms that sends you to a place where you may fill out a support ticket.
Ex. Say if my technology fourms got delete but they followed the TOS. Instead of making a new board and taking up IF space I could just click on a link on the IF fourms where I could send a support ticket to Seth,Duff or LightsUp of my problem.

As Phank said in my topic where I suggested this:

Well, the TOS violations is just one way boards get deleted.

As has been mentioned, there's not much point in posting or anything if your board gets deleted for a TOS violation.

But unfortunately, lots of people get their boards taken over, or lose their password and their email service blocks the password recovery email, or they deleted it themselves but changed their mind, or like somebody today, their little sister deleted it, or whatever.

And at the moment, we have to say "Well, you'll have to PM DuffMan about board restoration, but he's pretty busy and gets lots of pm's and might not even notice it, or you can start a new board and use the support ticket system or have a friend do it on their board and probably get a faster response".

So if it could be done, I think it would be helpful to have some sort of version of the support ticket system linked to from this board.

I have no idea how it would be done though, but maybe similar to the "Report Abuse" system.

Though the report abuse system has some abuse issues at the moment that are being worked on. >_<

Yeah. It would be complicated. If a board is closed/deleted by TOS violation it could say that

"Sorry but your board has bee closed beucase you violated a TOS, please do not try to send a support ticket or a pm or even start a topic in the Gerneal suport fourm"

But if it was becuase of something else like little brothers/sisters/hacked/cracked/other reasons other then TOS violations. Then instead of taking up IF's Bandwidth there could be a link on the main site. where you could just send a ST (support ticket) faster then making a new board. And or pming one of the admins. But if they start a topic and are told to create a support ticket they could without re registering another board. And If Is WASN'T a TOS violation, just got hacked/caracked/other reason, it could say like
"Looking though the database, we have found that your fourm, did follow the IF TOS but it was (reason here), without making another board, you can send a suppport tickiet to the staff", the good about this would it would make it so that people that get cracked/hacked, and have to start a newboard to send a support ticket, and it would save server space and Duffman some money (I bet server cost like 50-500 dollars, I'M JUST GUESING, I am NOT sure).

16. Certain fourm/thread flood control limit

Either that or make it so that certain fourms or threads have flood control but not the whole fourm.

18. Minimize even more in ACP

I like how in the FF/IPB ACP you can close things without them being up and taking up space. But what making it so you can even make it more compact, meaning you can close things in open things, like you want to just view the top 2 things in the SQL functions without all 5 of them being open and their names showing.

19. Options in PMing

You know the two boxes

Add a copy of this message to my sent items folder

Track this message?

?, what I want is for those to ALWAYS be checked, and no I don't want to add a code to my board wrappers to have them always checked, becuse the problem is, what If I make board L I add the code, but then decided to make another board, but I deleted board L, so I no longer have the code, and it would be stupid to ask in the code requests section.

20. Mass delete posts from a topic

I would like the ability to delete all replies made to a topic with one simple click.

21. Editing

I think there should be two options in the admin CP for

Disallow moderator to edit admins posts
Disallow members to edit back there post once it has been editted by an admin/mod

22. Undo button

If the mods do something you don't want (e.g. delete something).. it would be nice as admin to be able to reverse that deletion.

23. double/triple moderator forum optioins

I suggested this before the Admins cleanred out the previos suggestion forum. What I mean by this is you can select 2 or more groups to mod the forums you selcted without going over the forums again. Like if a forum has about 100 forums, and the Root Admin wanted the Admin (ROOT), Global mods, and maybe the admin (non root) all to mod the same forums. But he can't all make them without checking the same forums.

I have more, but I can't rember them, and I will not bore you any longer, (I will also save them for later times).
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Also so you know, I do have to link some of the things to IF, so you can get a better idea, and also there aren't some of those sort of things here (topic wise). And where it might say like "IPB" it would or should say IF, just changed what I said from IF. (also suggested this 2 IF)

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@Staff: He's put effort into putting the list together, the least you can do is read the topic and post :huh:


How do you know they haven't read it yet? They may have without reply. That's what the IF staff does, we request features for IF and they sometimes dont' reply to the request.
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My opinions -

1. Activity Bar:
agree - but on a seperate page

2. Search by Post Count
disagree - sort by post count is good enough

3. Poll options
disagree with the 'one vote per IP/cookie, but agree with admins seeing who voted what

4. Tag deletion
agree, but ability to disable aswell

5. Disable double posts!

6. Fourm Wrappers
neutral on this one, doesnt really bother me
7. Manual name change every x days
disagree with the 'every X days, but i like the idea of seeing their previous names

8. Different ranks for different groups

9. Word filter per group or member
disagree, if its a bad word, no-one should say it ;)

10. Per member
disagree - too complicated

11. Save post
agree, would be a very nice feature

12. Delete all member post/topics

13. Sort topic by locked, posted in, etc.
agree - sort by topics ive posted in would be very nice

14. See what was orgainally there
agree - would be a great feature, even a 'reason' feature for the editing would be good

15. Fourm Support ticket
disagree - this isnt invisionfree

16. Certain fourm/thread flood control limit
agree with certain forums, not threads though

18. Minimize even more in ACP
doesnt worry me, as i have em all open anyway

19. Options in PMing
you can do this with a SQL code, but built in might be nice

20. Mass delete posts from a topic
Nuetral, doesnt worry me

21. Editing
agree, dont want people editing my posts

22. Undo button

23. double/triple moderator forum optioins
nuetral - doesnt bother me the way it is

Overall some very nice suggestions!

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1. Activity Bar:
"And you could get rid of those that do not help that much, and or dont' even visit the forum that much." What do you mean by that?

2. Search by Post Count


3. Poll options
Disagree with all.

4. Tag deletion
Only show it for mods/admins.

5. Disable double posts!
Disable posting the same topic that they just posted in the last minute or something would stop double posting.

6. Fourm Wrappers

7. Manual name change every x days
Maybe request name change would be better and a page for mods that lists all the requests in a table so they can easily go through and check the ones they want to approve/decline.

8. Different ranks for different groups
"I would like the ability to have different rankings for different groups."

9. Word filter per group or member

10. Per member

11. Save post
Disagree, no real need for this.

12. Delete all member post/topics

13. Sort topic by locked, posted in, etc.

14. See what was orgainally there
Disagree, thats just bloat and wastes database space.

15. Fourm Support ticket

16. Certain fourm/thread flood control limit
I think maybe you could have it so you can set a minimum or maximum flood control limit for a forum which can override the groups setting if its lower/higher than the limit.

18. Minimize even more in ACP

19. Options in PMing
The add a copy to sent items and track message boxes when sending a PM? Neutral.

20. Mass delete posts from a topic

21. Editing
Disagree to both, what if the members wants to edit their post legitimately.

22. Undo button
If its gone its no longer in the database, it would just waste space to keep it.

23. double/triple moderator forum optioins

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Alot more views then I thought i'd get.

More ideas:

1. categorize forums.

By this, how about the option of categorizeing forums in the ACP, by: Date, size (maybe how many topics/replies), ABC order. You could do any other these just by one click, and can be any of your choise. (this also goes with sub forums. etc.)

2. Mass delete forums

As of know I dont' think you can mass delete forums in the ACP, meaning if you want to clean out all forums in a category you have to click "delete" everytime. But what if you could just delete them all with a single click.

3. Black list IP

I don't know if you already have something like this.

I know that you can ban users from individual boards, and there have also been some users that have been baned from IPB all round.

But normally real trouble makers once they are effectivly banned they just go to another board and start chaos.

Maybe you could make like a log of IP's banned on different boards, and once a IP is in the log 3 times, he will be banned from Invision all over. Automaticely... I don't see how a person can be banned from 3 different boards without being a trouble maker.

4. More fast reply options

How about more Fast (quick) reply options? like everything you can do in Add reply, but without clicking the button?

5. Safe IP List

I could REALLY use this right now, especially to get around banning myself, to get rid of an aweful spammer. It would really help if this was added.

What is "this." Can you explain what it does?

Say you IP ban like this 66.*.*.* and you want to get on, using a computer somewhere else that starts with 66. Add that computer's IP to the safelist, and you are in.

6. PM rule

On most fourms, theres a rule about PM Adverising not allowed. but ppl will break it anyways
but my idea is that i seen a feature in IPB which helps to stop it
my idea is to do somthing simar to that, you know have a area in the ACP which lets you put a custom notice in there when ppl are writing a message.

it would make all admins jobs so much easyer.

That's all for now.
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Some of the staff might reconizse some of these ideas. :lol:


1. Activity Bar:
Why would you want delete people that might not have anything to say yet? Or they may be busy but enjoy your forums, etc. If you go deleting people left and right for not posting, then you will lose members, not because you decreased your member count, but because it might irritate some people to get deleted and feeling "forced" to post.

2. Search by Post Count
You already can in v2.0. Go to memberlist, scroll down, more options, there you go.

3. Poll options
It stores it in the database to who has voted for which polls (I *think*). But no matter how someone voted, I would only want to know WHO voted and not HOW they voted. What option someone voted should remain private, even though knowing that they did vote should be known.

4. Tag deletion
That would be cool, to have a topic highlighted somehow to let you know that it's been reported, but perhaps have it forum configurable, so that you could specify how many people have to report a post inside of a topic before that topic highlights. That way if you if you see that you have a dozen PM's, or you haven't checked your email (whatever), you will still see the topics stick out. But either way (highlighted or not), have a number next to the teeny check box on the right (forum view of topics) that would tell you how many people have reported a post from that topic. Then when viewing the topic, highlight all posts that have been reported (even if only 1 post has been reported 1 time).

5. Disable double posts!
Flood control, no need for more. :)

6. Fourm Wrappers
Just move the wrappers to inside of the html of each skin.

7. Manual name change every x days
Nah, some people would abuse that too much. Perhaps allow Admins/SuperMods to change their name from within their profile, but that should be it.

8. Different ranks for different groups
Nah, too confusing.

9. Word filter per group or member
Nah, too much work.

10. Per member
While I would LOVE to have per-member permission/feature editting, it would slow the board down imo.

11. Save post
Nice idea... But in the meantime, highlight/copy the entire post you have made so far, go to your controls, and then save it all in your workspace.

12. Delete all member post/topics
A better idea would be to unapprove them (make them invisible). Then that way you could clear them from view quickly, but have the option of deleting them individually later.

13. Sort topic by locked, posted in, etc.
Posted in?

14. See what was orgainally there
That could be a good idea.. Perhaps use the trash can in a way of "Deletes" the original copy, pastes a new copy, and the original copy is sent to the trashcan with the top few lines being the link to the topic/post that was editted, date/time of edit -and- who editted it along with a reason (if given)

15. Fourm Support ticket
I like the idea of being able to set up a forum (not "fourm") to be a post only forum where you can only read topics that you have a post in (usually a topic you started). Then if you start a topic, admins/mods would be able to reply to it, you could read the replies, but only you. No other regular members could see your topics. Be nifty for a customer-support forum where the topics need to remain private to the member and the staff only. :) Also be useful for feedback like forums.

16. Certain fourm/thread flood control limit
Already have flood control.

18. Minimize even more in ACP
If I understand the new concept better, you can make your own shortcuts in the AdminCP. You could make a menu that has all of the main shortcuts that you need, etc.

19. Options in PMing
It would be nice to be able to have the 2 options automatically set based on your personal preference. Many times I have forgotten to set it only to remember after it's already sent.

20. Mass delete posts from a topic
v2.0, you can do that. Check each post you want to delete, even if it's on different pages, then use the moderation options to delete the selected posts.

21. Editing
Would be nice if there was a ranking system so that a higher rank could take "ownership" of a post so that a lower rank couldn't edit it. ie, to lock the post, admin would take ownership. regular member can't edit an admin's post, so it's locked from them.

22. Undo button
That would be nice. Because when going to the Trash Can, it would be nice if there was an Undelete button that would take the necessary information to re-insert it where it belongs.

Same for editted posts where the "before" post could over-write the "after" post. Like an undo-edit.

23. double/triple moderator forum optioins
Root-Admins & Global-Mods can already edit any and all posts. Why add them as a forum moderator?

Alot more views then I thought i'd get.

More ideas:


1. categorize forums.
Kind of a nice idea.. Perhaps a tree-view, like in the Skin Management, where you click the forum you want to edit, and a menu overlays with the options. Also with the tree-view, having [+] and [-] buttons so you can expand/collapse the tree. Then when you are actually editting a forum, edit in a pop-up window, save, and only update the main screen if a forum was added/deleted or changed in some way to require an update. (ie, changing it from active to readonly wouldn't update, but changing the name or forum location would update).

Either that, or using a tree setup, and after an edit, it takes you right back to the same forum area you just made an edit to, so when you are editting (let's say, {root}/Main/Humor/Gross/Farts) you don't have to go clicking name after name to get back to the area you were at to modify a different forum in that same sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-subforum.

2. Mass delete forums
Better to require multiple prompts and delete them all, than to get lazy and delete a forum you didn't mean to.

3. Black list IP
A list like that could be abused, and that's with everone having permanently static IP's. But with dynamic IP's, you could end up potentially banning people who have never abused a forum in their life.

4. More fast reply options
You mean like the smiley's list? Agreed.

5. Safe IP List
I get the feeling you just like having total control. This would be a useless option (see aforementioned reason against the black listing)

6. PM rule
If someone is going to spam, then they're going to spam no matter how many times they have warnings across their screen saying not to do it. Perhaps, though, a catcher that if someone is a member of a group that does NOT have a bypass flag set, then if they message more than 50% of the maximum people on a mass message (ie, if the max is 10 and they are massing to 6) -AND- it matches certain criteria that could be specified by Admin.. http://, www.*.com, etc.. then it could notify a list of admins/moderators that could look into it and delete the PM's.


A few good ideas though.
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I got some of those last ideas from IF, I made some of the total ideas that I have made in this topic like the forum support ticket. That's also what I did on IF. I just took ideas that were over 4+ pgs old, and put them in one topic.

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