Adding members manually, or indeed editing existing member, is something you will need to do from time to time, during the running of your community. You can see a list of all your current members, and add/edit members, from the following location within your ACP
Members -> Members -> Members
To add a member, select the "Create New Member" button in the top right of the Member section of the ACP. This will then show you the new member entry screen, where you can add the relevant details
By default, when you create a new member, that member will be sent an email confirmation, along with their login details. If you wish for this not to be sent, then you should uncheck the option on creation. Note however you can choose to set a password. If you do not set this option, an email would always be sent for the user to create a password.
To edit an existing member, you can either select the pencil icon at the side of a member in the list, or simply click on the members name. This will bring you to the member view page as shown below
In the screenshot below, you will also note there is a 'Customers' tab. This will give information relating to 'Commerce' items, and will show only if you have the commerce platform installed.
The member view section is split into several section, each of which are editable using either the pencil icon provided, or selecting 'edit'. Note that you may see extra tabs for items such as Gallery and downloads, which are application specific. These are discussed in the guides for those applications.
While most items are self explanatory, some items are worth going over in more detail here.
Account Actions - This is where you will find the option to merge the account with another, or delete the account entirely. Of note however you can also download the members personal information should this be requested by the member, and also use the 'Log in as...' function. This can be helpful if you need to diagnose an issue while logged in as that user.
Edit Preferences - This is the admin equivalent of 'account options', but from within the admin area. So you can access items such as which notifications are switched on and off, whether or not signatures are showing etc.
- Reset Account Activity - On the right you will see a black bar of activity showing. This is an audit of the account and what has happened with the members account. It can be helpful if someone has changed something, and you want to know who has done so.