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  • Released 02/19/2025
  • Current Release: No
  • Beta Release: No

This is the latest version of Invision Community 5.

#3786: Fix database error logging for uncaught exceptions
#3763: Catch the Exception when there's an assignment without an item
#3775: Ui polish: 5.0.2
 - Issue #3771: The scrollbar in the side panel navigation column uses default styling
 - Issue #3772: Some <select> menus use serif fonts in Safari
 - Issue #3773: Mobile footer disappears when off-canvas menus are toggled
 - Issue #3774: Fixed dialogs are vertically misaligned
 - Issue #3778: Some edit forms have nested .ipsBox elements
#3720: Fix issues where advertisements did not display properly in the listing views
#3767: Fix inline code and codeblock in editor
#3765: Restore Builder interface to image widget
#3768: Add editor extension buttons to toolbars
#3769: Fix Upgrader Issue
#3675: Fix issues with cloud analytics
#3728: Fix invalid check for pagination in custom CMS database index templates
#3759: Mention "downloads" as sort option for the files REST endpoint
#3732: Fix issue where Pages does not use the global footer
#3755: Polished radio options with images
#3758: UI Polishing with improved CSS selector performance
 - Issue #3749: Minor UI bugs
 - Issue #3742: v5 minor UI bugs [Microsoft icon is outdated]
 - Issue #3741: v5 minor UI bugs [Pagination and status badges different sizes]
 - Issue #3740: v5 minor UI bugs [Extra 'li' in notification settings]
 - Issue #3739: v5 minor UI bugs [Border radius not removed when full width]
 - Issue #3738: v5 minor UI bugs [Custom field headers incorrect, and more]
#3761: Use default anti-aliasing for fonts
#3748: Fixes an issue where Downloads screenshots could go missing
#3730: Prevent old notifications (v4) to cause issues when notifications are loaded
#3719: Check if the content is reactable before processing it and showing it in the ACP - Points Log
#3725: Fix issue where Taggable required a containerNodeClass
#3731: Fixed screenshots in Downloads returning an error when getImageDimensions failed
#3736: Removed background color from external embeds
#3733: Updated colors of chart tooltips
#3734: Made <abbr> usable on mobiles
#3724: Review Item and Comment menus and add checks for traits where applicable
#3699: Prevent code language menus from being overlapped by other boxes
#3659: Restore ability for moderators to modify user profile photos
#3661: Fix issue where profile data was not displayed when reputation was hidden
#3697: Hide horizontal overflow
#3698: Added an underline to the link in the Background Tasks description
#3694: Fixed star/participated icon, and ensure topic titles use Link Color
 - Issue #3693: Participated icons don't always display correct state
 - Issue #3672: Typography > link colour
#3692: Fixed duplicated message name in <title>
#3691: Replaced "test" with correct title
#3688: Fix issue where new replies are not automatically loaded into the topic
#3687: Fix errors when adding someone to a PM
#3686: Fix issues with solved statistics charts
#3685: Fix errors when running the expertUsersNudge task
#3695: Fix upgrade error for sites with databases that downgraded to Creator
#3690: Adjust calls to loader extension for CSS/JS
#3668: Prevent scrollbar from flickering in certain conditions
#3663: Allow text align regardless of Heading and Embed Restrictions
#3669: Updated v4 CSS classes to v5

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