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  1. I know they are third party solutions. I asked because IPS is innovative company :) and different from these above. I wonder that will IPS make a favour because converting to UTF-8 is a milestone for IPB users and unfortunately lots of non-engilish forums(whose language contain special characters) have similar problems. Have a nice work.
  2. Hello friends. I started preperations for upgrading my forum to 3.0.x I tried on my localhost, upgrading was sucessful and unfortunately there occured special character problems(Turkish characters are shown as question marks). I need to convert my database completely to utf-8 but there is no script i found. It is possible to make it manully via MYSQL queries but it is a nightmare to do it on my 1,5 GB database. Is IPS planing to make a simple and effective database charset convertor plugin/hook/tool like vBulletin and Wordpress have?
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