I don't mean the name in the translation but the whole link I want to change Browser https://community.com/forum to https://community.com/seite When calling : https://community.com/seite the forum comes up
Is it possible to rename a menu item for example: discover to page
- upload
rar files or other formats
Is it even possible to upload data?
Is it possible to upload data to the server? in acp / system / files /
adding a logo to my forum
I have already tried a few things but where can I insert the link from the background? <img src="https://media.invisioncic.com/m333272/monthly_2025_01/header.thumb.png.902027917bdbf8a2c5d3d2ca2b1fa056.png"> {{if isset( \IPS\Theme::i()->logo['front']['url'] ) AND \IPS\Theme::i()->logo['front']['url'] !== null }} {{$logo = \IPS\File::get( 'core_Theme', \IPS\Theme::i()->logo['front']['url'] )->url;}}<img src="https://media.invisioncic.com/m333272/monthly_2025_01/header.thumb.png.902027917bdbf8a2c5d3d2ca2b1fa056.png"> <a href='{setting="base_url"}' id='elLogo' accesskey='1'><img src="{$logo}" alt='{setting="board_name" escape="true"}'></a> {{else}} <a href='{setting="base_url"}' id='elSiteTitle' accesskey='1'>{setting="board_name"}</a> {{endif}}
adding a logo to my forum
How can I insert a background image in the logo?
All Activity
All Activity
Somehow it doesn't work, maybe I'm too stupid for it Is there a way to set up the forum as a start If I open the website that I come straight to the forum, so also if I go to the banner, I also come to the forum
All Activity
Ok I have done the action but there is a problem with the menu item “Activity” I do not have an option “My activity streams” (there is no menu under Activity)
All Activity
I would like to limit the number of topics in All Activity Where / How can I do this?
- register
I mean when I log in as a user (not register)
Is it possible to set up the system so that users register with their nickname rather than their e-mail address?