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Manuel Molina's post in Problem with event duration setting was marked as the answer
🤣 My bad, can't concentrate with this view
Thank you! Sorry about that
Manuel Molina's post in Can database categories be fed with 3rd party rss feeds? was marked as the answer
Found it searching for RSS Imports in adminCP. solved. Thanks
Manuel Molina's post in is the platform down? was marked as the answer
I was seeing it on home page. But it went away after almost a minute. All good thank you.
Manuel Molina's post in Post feed not working properly? was marked as the answer
I just changed it from post feed to topic feed and works fine.
I guess I will leave it as that.
Manuel Molina's post in Google maps instructions might need update was marked as the answer
it was a mistake I made in configuration, I apologize, my bad.
Manuel Molina's post in RSS without public content was marked as the answer
I did that but I could not select any of them still.
I checked RSS availability on forums and it was enabled. The problem was permission. I had not given permission to each individual topic to be shared with guests.
Thank you Randly. I appreciate the patience.
Manuel Molina's post in Twitter promotion configuration was marked as the answer
Solved this, thank you
Manuel Molina's post in "Our picks" block is not showing the blog photo was marked as the answer
I solved this, thank you
Manuel Molina's post in I just configured Twitter promotion and login, not working was marked as the answer
Thank you Marc, I got it to work.
So what I had done was to copy the keys twitter gave me when i first got approved for the API and I pasted the keys in the log in and registration module for twitter in invision.
But when they gave me the API Keys there was no field to put the callback link. thats whay it wasnt working. What i had to do is to login to the api, go into the configuration area and paste the call back link and other information they requested.
Log in is working nicely now. Thank you!