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Julia Osipova

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Everything posted by Julia Osipova

  1. Yes, sure. Now I set default app "System" back, and try to get help from Yandex support. Also I write letter to hoster support, but hoster answer they can't help, because they can't set canaoncal link at server, only in page code. Now I wait answer from Yandex support. Yes, I return settings back, 'system' is default app now. But it not solve problem, Yandex crawler still say to '/community/store' : "visited, but not added into search base".
  2. Hello. I ask question in but i don't receive any answer, so execuse me, please, for needidng to duplicate question here, in support forum. Right now I neeed to add <link rel="canonical" href="http://www.example.com/community/store"/> tag to Commerce app main page. Where and how I can do it ? Please, answer as soon as possible. Thanks. Julia
  3. When I add this hook, problem is solved. But groupping of products now not works. For example, I have product1 in invoice, and I add another product1 in invoice. Now I don't receive error, but I now have 2 copies of product1 in invoice. Any ideas why this happened? product1 is not a charge, it's physical product. abstract class ecwid_hook_nexus_invoice_item extends _HOOK_CLASS_ { /** * Is this item the same as another item in the cart? * Used to decide when an item is added to the cart if we should just increase the quantity of this item instead of creating a new item. * * @param \IPS\nexus\Invoice\Item $item The other item * @return bool */ public function isSameAsOtherItem( $item ) { if ( $this instanceof \IPS\nexus\extensions\nexus\Item\ShippingCharge ) { return FALSE; } if ( $item instanceof \IPS\nexus\extensions\nexus\Item\ShippingCharge ) { return FALSE; } if ( $this instanceof \IPS\nexus\extensions\nexus\Item\MiscellaneousCharge ) { return FALSE; } if ( $item instanceof \IPS\nexus\extensions\nexus\Item\MiscellaneousCharge ) { return FALSE; } return parent::isSameAsOtherItem( $item ); }
  4. Hi! I receive this error when try to edit or add physical package item in invoice in ACP. Edit or add comissions, and other items are ok. Error only when adding/editing package item. Problem and in version 4.6.7, and in version 4.6.8. Where can I look to solve this problem? Thanks Error: Access to undeclared static property: IPS\nexus\extensions\nexus\Item\ShippingCharge::$arent (0) #0 /var/www/u1463182/data/www/fashionproduct.ru/test/applications/nexus/sources/Invoice/Item/Item.php(375): IPS\nexus\Invoice\_Item->__get('arent') #1 /var/www/u1463182/data/www/fashionproduct.ru/test/applications/nexus/extensions/nexus/Item/Package.php(516): IPS\nexus\Invoice\_Item->isSameAsOtherItem(Object(IPS\nexus\extensions\nexus\Item\Package)) #2 /var/www/u1463182/data/www/fashionproduct.ru/test/applications/nexus/modules/admin/payments/invoices.php(1276): IPS\nexus\extensions\nexus\Item\_Package::createFromForm(Array, Object(IPS\nexus\Invoice)) #3 /var/www/u1463182/data/www/fashionproduct.ru/test/system/Helpers/Wizard/Wizard.php(181): IPS\nexus\modules\admin\payments\_invoices->IPS\nexus\modules\admin\payments\{closure}(Array)