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  1. Hello First thanks for the answer. You're right, I was talking of the stream version of the forum. I"m sorry I did not reaaly understood the reason and if there is way to have it working has it was before ? Florian PS: We found the good parameters for the "logo"
  2. Hello all. On 1001bd.Com we just goes from 4.4 to 4.6. Previously we had a pretty beautifull Banner at the top of the site. I saw that now the "banner" is now consider has a "Logo" that is absolutly not what we want 🙂 Any idea on how to do what was available before ? (I mean having a banner/picture at the top of the page above the menu) Another problem : on the forum we do not have any more information to indicate that a subjet is "unread" (when a new mesage is post). Any idea why ? Thanks a lot for your helps ! Florian
  3. Hello I want to know in what theme/file I have to do something to change the default shared text. Can you help me ? For the moment I juste have the basic thing.;..
  4. I could do exactly what I wanted with this in <div> balise in my template. Thank's a lot!
  5. in fact I have a bloc that is quite good in standard web browser be that is really not good view with a smartphone 😞
  6. Hello guys. Do you know how to know that we are in smartphone mode ? Because in my bloc I only have the following attributs : $records, $title, $orientation='vertical' I don't have any clue of the application reading the site. Is theres any globals informations ? Thanks for you helps
  7. THanks to you I achieve to do what i wanted : <div class='ipsPad_half ipsWidget_inner'> <ul class='ipsDataList ipsContained_container'> {{shuffle($records);}} {{ $record = $records[0];}} <li class='ipsDataItem'> <div class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href="{$record->url()->setQueryString( 'do', 'getLastComment' )}" title='{lang="view_this_cmsrecord" sprintf="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'content_db_lang_sl_' . $record::$customDatabaseId, FALSE ), $record->_title"}' class='ipsDataItem_title'>{$record->_title}</a> </div> <div class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href="{$record->url()->setQueryString( 'do', 'getLastComment' )}" title='{lang="view_this_cmsrecord" sprintf="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'content_db_lang_sl_' . $record::$customDatabaseId, FALSE ), $record->_title"}' class='ipsDataItem_title'>{$record->customFieldDisplayByKey('lien-image-pour-forum')|raw}</a> </div> <div> <a href="https://www.1001bd.com/best_of/">Voir l'integralité des best of </a></div> </li> </ul> </div> Like that each time someone connect the selection is different. Better thing would to have it change automatically after 1 minutes. Can we do that sort of thing without reloading the page ?
  8. Hello I am creating a bloc where I want to show 1 result BUT I want it to change every...10s I don't know. I have my block and a understood how to filter my record using the ID.= : {if !empty( $records ) }} <h3 class='ipsWidget_title ipsType_reset'>{$title}</h3> {{$Count = 0;}} {{if $orientation == 'vertical'}} <div class='ipsPad_half ipsWidget_inner'> <ul class='ipsDataList ipsContained_container'> {{foreach $records as $record}} {$record->_id} {{if $record->_id === 29}} <li class='ipsDataItem'> <div class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href="{$record->url()->setQueryString( 'do', 'getLastComment' )}" title='{lang="view_this_cmsrecord" sprintf="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'content_db_lang_sl_' . $record::$customDatabaseId, FALSE ), $record->_title"}' class='ipsDataItem_title'>{$record->_title}</a> </div> <div class='ipsType_break ipsContained'> <a href="{$record->url()->setQueryString( 'do', 'getLastComment' )}" title='{lang="view_this_cmsrecord" sprintf="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'content_db_lang_sl_' . $record::$customDatabaseId, FALSE ), $record->_title"}' class='ipsDataItem_title'>{$record->customFieldDisplayByKey('lien-image-pour-forum')|raw}</a> </div> </li> {{endif}} {{endforeach}} </ul> </div> {{endif}} The first thing I would like to know is : - how to know the number of item in "$records" ? In another way than doing : {{$Count = 0;}} {{foreach $records as $record}} {{$Count = $Count+1;}} {{endforeach}} Then ; is their any way of accessing a specific result ? Like the third item ? last question : do you know any random function ? or do we have to use the rand(x,y) function from HTML ? Thanks a lot for your help !
  9. THanks that was the good place !
  10. Hello. I'd love to duplicate this template to add the image but I could not find WHERE it is physcally located. When I modify my theme I cannot find this "recordRow" anywhere..... thanks fopr the help ! Florian
  11. Hi all. It will sound strange to you but, even if I know how to developp with standard langage like C++, QT and so one, I can't even make a if working fine on my theme.... I tried a basic thing that did not work : {{if {$value} == 'yes'}} <b> OK! </b> {{endif}} (to only show something if a checkbox is selected) And it did not work at all 🙂 So I am looking for some kind of documentation to allow me to stop bothering you at each problem I have 🙂 Thanks in advance. Florian
  12. Found ! {{if $item->object() instanceof \IPS\cms\Records}} <div class="ipsType_richText ipsType_medium ipsSpacer_both">{$item->object()->customFieldDisplayByKey('1001bd_Note')|raw}</div> {{endif}} I have exaclty what I want without error 🙂
  13. Ok I have exactly what you are saying : it is working for my records but noote for the otehr posts promoted from the forum. Any clue to avid that ? Can I check if my object is a record ?
  14. Mhhh tried that but it did not worked 😞 But it is true that we already promote other thing than Custome entry. Is there any way of checking if the specific field is existing ?
  15. In fact I don't know how to go from $item to the full record that is currently shown....