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  1. How did you add color for Buttons?
  2. That s good, but Admin has to explain every step how to do. So, like in V4 is better
  3. Where can I in APC allow that? Thanks
  4. With 7 Betas no Problem...with 8 some...I can t see more User Actions....
  5. It s solved, I uploaded Patch, and it works
  6. I downloaded Patch, but I don t know how upgrade or upload it.
  7. I did so, but If I save, there is circle with rocket and blue...I tried with other Browser, but now one Forum does not have Image...It s Problem with save option or something other...look here - he has the same Problem
  8. Oh, no - I tried with other Browser and I have Problem like yours...it s not beatiful
  9. I created new Rank and choosed Polygon Shape and as a Icon Bible, brown color. But If I saved, it s showed circle Rank with Rocket Symbol and blue.
  10. I tried something other - I think Problem is "Save" Option. I click on Save, but nothing changed.
  11. Sorry, not Category - with Subcategories and Forums I have Problem . I see other member have this Problem too - with Beta 7 was all good, but after installed 8 - I have this Problems.
  12. With Beta 7 was all good, but with 8 came this Problems. I can not change Grid Image, always does show older. With icons the same.
  13. Hello there. I can t change Grid Image for Categories. I put new Image, but Forum does show the old Image. I changed Category Icons for Table Option, but Forum does show other Icons. What is that?
  14. I found image....I don t know why V5 does not have this option, like V4
  15. Hello, in Version 4 User could choose which Forum Index to use. What is with Version 5. Can other users choose Table, Grid, Fluid or Feed Forum Index? Because somebody sent me a private message and told that he did not like Grid Option.
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