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  1. When I press Please also try disabling any third party customizations. This error appears
  2. Thanks for the response No, I did not try.. How is the disabling method and that works?
  3. hello After the last update of the forum, it is not possible to reply, add a topic, or mass delete, is there a problem? The reply box or a new topic does not appear
  4. Welcome First of all, thank you for your efforts How can the topic page link be shortened to a short link, meaning that the link does not contain the topic title. Contains only the subject number Example Currently https://bahrain2day.com/forums/index.php?/topic/480817-valentines-day-in-stone-age/ Required https://bahrain2day.com/forums/index.php?/topic/480817 thank you
  5. Hello,, While I am upgrading from 4.7.1 to I got a fatal error as shown in the attached screenshot, and as you can see the "solved_reminder_sent" column is missing in the database so can you please help me to know why did that happen ? because I am afraid that there's some other missing columns or at least give me the mysql tables structure to compare it with mine and fix the problem