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Release Notes v5

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Everything posted by onlyME

  1. onlyME


    In +Create button Or go to videobox > settings > enable “show ‘post new video’ button”.
  2. onlyME


    Try /video Or restore your menu (acp > menu management)
  3. @Namo edit your theme > core > global > plugins > bim_tthumb_showGridview Find ipsGrid_span13 and replace by ipsGrid_span2
  4. @Namo Your theme uses css that overwrite ipsGrid @supports (display: grid){ [data-ipsgrid-minitemsize="500"]{ --grid-min: 400px; } [data-ipsgrid-minitemsize="400"]{ --grid-min: 400px; } [data-ipsgrid-minitemsize="350"]{ --grid-min: 350px; } [data-ipsgrid-minitemsize="300"]{ --grid-min: 300px; } [data-ipsgrid-minitemsize="250"]{ --grid-min: 250px; } [data-ipsgrid-minitemsize="230"]{ --grid-min: 230px; } [data-ipsgrid-minitemsize="200"]{ --grid-min: 200px; } [data-ipsgrid-minitemsize="170"]{ --grid-min: 170px; } [data-ipsgrid-minitemsize="150"]{ --grid-min: 150px; } [data-ipsgrid-minitemsize="100"]{ --grid-min: 100px; } [data-ipsgrid-minitemsize="60"]{ --grid-min: 60px; } [data-ipsgrid-minitemsize="40"]{ --grid-min: 40px; } .ipsGrid{ display: grid; grid-gap: var(--grid-gap); grid-template-columns: repeat(12, 1fr); } /* Forces truncated text to work */ .ipsGrid > *{ min-width: 0; } [data-ipsgrid-minitemsize]{ --grid-fill: auto-fill; grid-template-columns: repeat(var(--grid-fill), minmax(calc(var(--grid-min) + var(--grid-gap)), 1fr)); } .ipsGrid + .ipsGrid{ margin-top: var(--grid-gap) !important; } .ipsGrid > [class*="ipsGrid_span"]{ width: auto !important; margin: 0 !important; float: none !important; height: auto !important; } .ipsGrid::before, .ipsGrid::after{ display: none; } .cPromotedImages{ --grid-gap: 0px; } .ipsGrid:not([data-ipsgrid-minitemsize]) > .ipsGrid_span1{ grid-column: span 1; } .ipsGrid:not([data-ipsgrid-minitemsize]) > .ipsGrid_span2{ grid-column: span 2; } .ipsGrid:not([data-ipsgrid-minitemsize]) > .ipsGrid_span3{ grid-column: span 3; } .ipsGrid:not([data-ipsgrid-minitemsize]) > .ipsGrid_span4{ grid-column: span 4; } .ipsGrid:not([data-ipsgrid-minitemsize]) > .ipsGrid_span5{ grid-column: span 5; } .ipsGrid:not([data-ipsgrid-minitemsize]) > .ipsGrid_span6{ grid-column: span 6; } .ipsGrid:not([data-ipsgrid-minitemsize]) > .ipsGrid_span7{ grid-column: span 7; } .ipsGrid:not([data-ipsgrid-minitemsize]) > .ipsGrid_span8{ grid-column: span 8; } .ipsGrid:not([data-ipsgrid-minitemsize]) > .ipsGrid_span9{ grid-column: span 9; } .ipsGrid:not([data-ipsgrid-minitemsize]) > .ipsGrid_span10{ grid-column: span 10; } .ipsGrid:not([data-ipsgrid-minitemsize]) > .ipsGrid_span11{ grid-column: span 11; } .ipsGrid:not([data-ipsgrid-minitemsize]) > .ipsGrid_span12, .ipsGrid:not([data-ipsgrid-minitemsize]) > :not([class*="ipsGrid_span"]){ grid-column: span 12; } @media (max-width: 979px){ .ipsGrid.ipsGrid_collapseTablet:not([data-ipsgrid-minitemsize]) > [class*="ipsGrid_span"]{ grid-column: span 12; } } @media (max-width: 767px){ .ipsGrid.ipsGrid_collapsePhone:not([data-ipsgrid-minitemsize]) > [class*="ipsGrid_span"]{ grid-column: span 12; } } /* Ensure that grids don't span wider than the viewport on mobiles */ @media (max-width: 550px){ [data-ipsgrid-minitemsize="500"]{ grid-template-columns: 1fr; } } @media (max-width: 450px){ [data-ipsgrid-minitemsize="400"]{ grid-template-columns: 1fr; } } @media (max-width: 400px){ [data-ipsgrid-minitemsize="350"]{ grid-template-columns: 1fr; } } @media (max-width: 350px){ [data-ipsgrid-minitemsize="300"]{ grid-template-columns: 1fr; } } /* Allow profile photos to wrap on clubs */ .cClubCard .cClubCard_memberList{ white-space: normal; } /* Profile actions on mobiles */ @media (max-width: 767px){ header[data-role='profileHeader'] .ipsGrid{ display: grid !important; } } /* Profile followers */ #elFollowers .ipsGrid{ grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(48px, 1fr)); --grid-gap: 5px; padding: 5px; margin: 0px; } #elFollowers .ipsGrid > li{ grid-column: initial; } /* Fix gallery albums in Calendar events */ .cGalleryMiniAlbum{ --grid-min: 210px; } .cGalleryMiniAlbum > li::before{ content: ''; display: block; padding-bottom: 100%; } } Try to remove it to see the grid works.
  5. I see it works fine on your site. Try to clear your browser cache.
  6. Bug, it will be fixed asap.
  7. I can not reproduce this issue, could you give me acp access so I can take a look?
  8. Broken JS, try to run Get Support to clear cache.
  9. onlyME


    No, it doesn't have the feature to import videos from other applications.
  10. onlyME


    I confirm this bug. It will be fixed as quick as possible in today.
  11. onlyME


    Please give me acp access so I can take a look.
  12. onlyME


    @Optic14 try to edit file \applications\videobox\modules\front\video\browse.php Find $table->sortDirection = 'desc'; Replace by $table->sortDirection = $table->sortBy == 'v_title' ? 'asc' : 'desc';
  13. Sure, please check your pm.
  14. @yameth when uploading a song and filling artist name, it will create a new artist automatically, and who has permission to edit artists can edit all artists. It doesn't have feature to allow member own artists. The purpose of 'artist' feature to list all songs and playlists by an artist.
  15. I will consider it.
  16. Please give me acp access so I can take a look.
  17. onlyME


    Please give me acp access so I can take a look.
  18. onlyME


    Sorry, but I didn't get any pm from you. Did you add Media Tag for openload?
  19. @Lenny Warren please wait for the next version. I will add a new option for this feature 🙂
  20. @Lenny Warren try to type the code manually. I confirm this bug, it will be fixed in the next version.
  21. @Lenny Warren Try to edit your theme > core > global > plugins > bim_tthumb_showThumb Find <div class="bim_tthumb_wrap"> Replace by <div class="bim_tthumb_wrap {{if $topic->unread()}}tthumb_unread{{endif}}"> And then add this code to custom.css .bim_tthumb_wrap { opacity: 0.5; } .tthumb_unread { opacity: 1 !important; }
  22. The thumbnails are not grey. In the past, I got some complains about this feature so I removed it. I will consider it again.
  23. onlyME


    please give me acp access I will take a look.
  24. onlyME


    Try to run Get Support to clear cache.
  25. @Christforums Try to re run "updatecheck" task. 🙂
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