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Fast Lane!

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  1. Fast Lane!'s post in Unread content search suddenly slow (2+ minutes)... was seconds forever was marked as the answer   
    Seems simply upgrading MyISAM tables (notably core_search_index) fixed the issue. Crazy.  Not sure I can fully explain this -- but it worked.  Seems like more than row vs. table locking at work here.
  2. Fast Lane!'s post in 4.6.6 Email Header Logo HUGE was marked as the answer   
    The fix in the email template seems easy enough...  see below.  thoughts?
    Email template: Email Wrapper
    <a href='{setting="base_url"}' style='text-decoration: none; color: #262e33; border: 0;'> {{$imgDims=NULL;}} {{if \IPS\Settings::i()->email_logo}} {{try { $imgDims = \IPS\File::get( 'core_Theme', \IPS\Settings::i()->email_logo )->getImageDimensions(); } catch( \Exception $e ) {} }} {{endif}} {{if $imgDims}} <img src='{file="\IPS\Settings::i()->email_logo" extension="core_Theme"}' alt="{setting="board_name"}" width='{$imgDims[0]}' height='{$imgDims[1]}' /> {{else}} {setting="board_name"} {{endif}} </a> After:
    <a href='{setting="base_url"}' style='text-decoration: none; color: #262e33; border: 0;'> {{$imgDims=NULL;}} {{if \IPS\Settings::i()->email_logo}} {{try { $imgDims = \IPS\File::get( 'core_Theme', \IPS\Settings::i()->email_logo )->getImageDimensions(); } catch( \Exception $e ) {} }} {{endif}} {{if $imgDims}} <img src='{file="\IPS\Settings::i()->email_logo" extension="core_Theme"}' alt="{setting="board_name"}" width='100%' /> {{else}} {setting="board_name"} {{endif}} </a> The key change being to set width to 100% (and delete the hard coded height and width).  Height will then auto calculate.