KiwiGym started following XtratoDesigns
Come on Guys Ticket #596212
I guess so , i never knew about the 48 Hours of time allowed here on IPB, usually my clients are coming back hours after the ticket , and im used to my 2-5 minutes response time on my dedi hosting ! , habbits.. habbits.
Come on Guys Ticket #596212
Charles Thanks a bunch! , thats all i needed , it only cost a few -Reps , but i can live with that. Thanks again , i really appreciate it.
Come on Guys Ticket #596212
also .. whats up with people , giving -Rep on every post? ? i got like -5 on this post for asking a simple question .. thats great community support.
Come on Guys Ticket #596212
ah.. well thank you... yes , i do actually ... If anyone here has the old converters ( 2.3.X ) i would appreciate it a BUNCH !... Thank you guys.
Come on Guys Ticket #596212
I have a small complex task , convert from SMF 1.1.10 to IPB 2.3.X and merge two IPB's Databases together. Im trying to merge two websites.
Come on Guys Ticket #596212
I didn't find another place to post ,yet i find it sad that all it takes is about a minute to direct me towards the source file, if anyone has it they can upload it. In any case if anyone has this particular source , i would be grateful for the files. Regards
Come on Guys Ticket #596212
IPB Staff, i have had my ticket open for 20 hours.. and not a single reply , all i want is 2.3.X Converters with instructions...i need them asap , but been waiting for 20 hours.. Any quick response is greatly appreciated . Thank you guys.