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  1. BN_IT_Support's post in Relation between databases was marked as the answer   
    Hi - you need to get the type of relationship straight and clear.
    If you only want a 1-to-many (or many-to-1) relationship then you can probably do it with Pages Databases.
    If you actually want/need a many-to-many relationship (which is what I think you will need) then it will almost certainly be easier to write an application to do it. I won't say that it would be "impossible" to do many-to-many with Pages Databases but I believe that it would be really hard work. You are talking about just two tables/databases but to do many-to-many you need an additional table/database that sits between the other two and links the records together.
    You stated the problem as having:
    Many matches Many players Requiring a relationship so that you could add many players to a match As stated it appears to be a 1-to-many (that is each match can have many players) and that could be done with Pages Databases relatively easily.
    But, appearances can be deceptive. The above (1-to-many) will only work if each player can only play in 1 match (as that's where the "1" comes form in 1-to-many). It is far more likely that your players can play in many matches -- i.e. they play in one match this week-end and a different match next week-end and so on. So, you have both "matches can have many players" and "players can play in many matches" and that is a many-to-many relationship that becomes extremely complex to implement with Pages Databases.
  2. BN_IT_Support's post in Hooks Bug v4.7.16 was marked as the answer   
    I don't have the answer, but...
    I find it interesting that you would use your own editor on a Theme hook. I would agree that using your own editor on a Code hook is far more convenient than using adminCP editor, but for a Theme hook ??? Personally, I find the adminCP editor more convenient as it sorts out all the escapes (among other things). What motivates you to use your own editor?
    Secondly, if this used to work before 4.7.16 and if you have NOT made any changes to your editor (either configuration or version update) then I can understand your point of view - that it should not have been broken.
    That said, the Invision comments say "do not remove" and that implies "do not modify, either" and your editor has clearly modified the lines - what was '/*comment*/' is changed by your editor to '//comment' which is not the same thing.
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