Unable to upload profile photos to S3 after upgrade
Unable to upload profile photos to S3 after upgrade
Indeed, everything is using my configured Amazon S3 bucket, and I only have a single S3 configuration set up.
Unable to upload profile photos to S3 after upgrade
Yes, conf_global.php has been updated and the support section reports no issues. Caches have been cleared too. teraßyte, I was initially using GD, but I installed and switched to Imagemagick as well just to see if that was the case, with similar results. The weird thing is that other uploads work -- we can upload image attachments and profile cover photos too. it's just profile photos that are having an issue.
Unable to upload profile photos to S3 after upgrade
No, no issues reported in the support section -- when I upgraded it did complain about the database not being utf8mb4 so I ran the converter tool and everything seemed to be fine.
Mister Java started following Unable to upload profile photos to S3 after upgrade
Unable to upload profile photos to S3 after upgrade
Hey there, I recently upgraded my community from an ancient 4.3 to the latest 4.7.16. Upgrade mostly went smoothly, with one exception: specifically, we're now unable to upload profile photos to S3 (this previously worked pre-upgrade). Other uploads work: image attachments to posts and cover photos work just fine and upload without issue. It's specifically profile photos that seem to have an issue. I've attempted to upload multiple gif, png and jpg images with essentially the same result: select a photo, it seems to get uploaded to the S3 bucket under monthly_YYYY_MM, but then upon pressing Continue the POST to /profile/<id>-<username>/photo/?ajaxValidate=1 fails with a 500. Seeing errors like this in our system logs: InvalidArgumentException: (0) #0 /var/www/<path>/system/File/File.php(1577): IPS\_Image::create('????\x00\x10JFIF\x00\x01\x01\x01\x00...') #1 /var/www/<path>/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php(1422): IPS\_File->thumbnail('core_Profile', 240, 240, true) #2 /var/www/<path>/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(107): IPS\core\modules\front\members\_profile->editPhoto() #3 /var/www/<path>/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php(84): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #4 /var/www/<path>/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\front\members\_profile->execute() #5 /var/www/<path>/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #6 {main} Stepping through the code, it looks like the exception is being thrown on L109 of system/Image/Image.php: if ( $imageType === NULL ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException; } I suspect it's due to the first 4 bytes being "????" so it can't determine the type based on the header "signature" but I'm having trouble determining where things are going wrong to corrupt the header/image in the first place. I've toggled between both GD and Imagemagick with the same result. It's worth noting that on a hunch I switched the storage of profile photos to a local directory, and was able to upload photos again. But this isn't a feasible option for us. Worse still, the automated move back to S3 afterwards seems to have corrupted all of our profile photos and they can no longer be viewed in a browser due to "errors". Unfortunately I didn't have bucket versioning enabled so I suspect we're out of luck at getting these back, which is devastating because many of these were uploaded 15+ years ago but that's a separate issue. Any ideas about what's going on here? Thanks in advance!
Download: Per-Skin Ad Colors
File Name: Per-Skin Ad Colors File Submitter: Ricjustsaid File Submitted: 29 Jan 2007 File Category: Modifications Allows you to specify which colors will be used for your Google Adsense or Yahoo Publisher adverts on a per-skin basis, all from the Tools and Settings section of your ACP. You can set the color of the border, background, ad header, text, and links. This is particularly useful if you have multiple skins and want them to blend in with each one. You can also set where you'd like the ads to show up; you can have them show up as a "post" below the first post in a topic, or above the first post in a topic. --- Files Affected: · sources/action_admin/skin_sets.php · sources/action_admin/skin_import.php · sources/action_public/topics.php --- Requirements: Requires the Universal Mod Installer by FuSoYa, which can be downloaded from IPS Beyond or Invision Modding. --- Basic Steps Installation Time: About 5-7 minutes (probably less). 1. Upload files. 2. Run installer. 3. Make 6 file edits. 4. Make 2 template bit edits. 5. Customize via ACP. --- Releases: 31 January 2007 : 2.0.1 Release -- Fixed a bug preventing you from selecting multiple groups. 28 January 2007 : 2.0.0 Release -- Made compatible with IPB 2.2.x. -- Ad code and markup has been moved to template bits, making it easy to switch between YPN and Adsense (should you ever have to). -- Ads now show up in ALL topic views, instead of just the "standard" mode. -- Added the ability to choose where the ads show up (either as a post, or above the main topic). 23 December 2006 : 1.1.1 Release -- Includes instructions for both Adsense and YPN ads. -- Moved most of the code to a separate PHP class file for easier future updates. 16 December 2006 : Initial Release (1.1.0) --- Screenshots: Ad Above Main Topic: Ad as a Post: Enjoy, and feel free to post any comments/suggestions in the support thread! Click here to download this file