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IPS Community Suite 4.1: Editor Update

We have made a huge upgrade to our editor in IPS Community Suite 4.1 with a focus on speed an usability. I made a video overview of the new editor to point out some of the key changes. Before viewing, here are the release notes about the editor for your reference:

  • Uses div-mode which is much faster and more reliable. Clicking into the editor is now pretty much instant.
  • Auto-linking and member mentions to use new APIs for better reliability
  • Quotes, code boxes, and spoilers can be dragged and moved and there is no more "red line"
  • When cmd/ctrl right-clicking: options to remove or break-out of quotes, edit links and edit image properties
  • Pasting asks if you want to convert to plain text
  • Totally new code plugin with syntax highlighting as you type
  • Option to make enter behave as a new line rather than with spacing
  • Editor is responsive, and ability to have small editor show in areas with less space
  • Member @mentions in posts can now be selected by tab key

The major things to note are that the editor is much faster loading, particularly on mobile devices. It makes the mobile experience much more pleasant. Check out the video for some more information or register on our site here and post a topic in our test area. We are really happy with the editor upgrades and early feedback has been great. We hope you enjoy it!


We are still on track to release 4.1 in early October. Expect beta release soon.


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