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IP.Board 3.0.0 RC 2 Coming Soon

The second release candidate of IP.Board 3.0.0 is nearly ready for release. We are just going through the final stages of internal testing and then it will be made available. Just to remind everyone of the previous blog entry which contains various FAQs and information on release candidates.

This release is a huge improvement from RC1 just a few short weeks ago. Since RC1 was the first release we declared "safe" to use many more people installed the software. As we expected, many bugs were reported which we were able to address. The larger install base for RC1 means a more stable RC2 and, of course, an even more stable final release. Thank you again to everyone who has been reporting bugs and issues!

You will be able to upgrade from RC1 to RC2 if you need to. When reporting any issues in RC2 please be sure to indicate if it's a fresh install or upgrade (and what version upgraded from).

Looking forward to RC2 and final release. Keep an eye on our blog and announcements forum for lots of activity over the next couple weeks. Thanks!

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