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Shopify - API Integration

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I would like to make an integration of my shop ( Nexus ) to shopify.com.

1. Is that possible ?

2. And if yes - is there any guideance written somewhere or if no is there anybody who could help me out on this topic ?

Thanks for the help in forward.

Sorry, there is no built-in integration to our software with Shopify as a whole. What exactly are you attempting to do? Keep in mind that customizations are outside our scope of support so if you are looking for guidance in performing that, I would need to move your topic to the community forum to receive assistance from other clients.

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Hi Jim,

thanks for your anwser. I understand - i would just like to get the products, donations and subscriptions which I defined in Nexus displayed in the shopify store. I don't know if that is possible.

I understand that this is not standard support - but if possible could I hire somebody to do this job ?

I will move your topic to the correct forum for developer requests. Alternatively, you will want to reach out to the third party providers list for individuals to assist you.

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