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extend existing "joined recently" feature

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As mentioned elsewhere in other discussions regarding Achievements, certain communities are populated with  'older' members who tend to be put off by competitive points, ranks , ever changing badges etc.  But they can appreciate being discretely recognized for their longevity of association with the site. 

And yes, the join date is shown, but I'd like the ability to directly highlight longevity.  I've tried various methods to achieve this with the current default features in Achievements but can't produce what's needed.  I came close, but the text still said "Rank: or Current Rank" which is not desired ... and none of the rule options truly fit, so it was manual which isn't at all workable.

I'd like a plug in to extend the existing, default feature shown below


Seems to me the existing logic simply compares  the joined date to 'now' and based on "x" amount of time differential displays the symbol and hover text

I'd like to add more conditions to that logic:

  • If time between joined date and now is >= 5 years and < 10 years, display new symbol with text "5 + year member"
  • If time between joined date and now is >= 10 years and < 15 years, display new symbol with text "10 + year member"
  • If time between joined date and now is >= 15 years and < 20 years, display new symbol with text "15 + year member"
  • If time between joined date and now is >= 20 years display new symbol with text "20 + year member"

And yes we do have members with 20+ years

This would be applied automatically and would not need an option to apply manually per member

This would be accessed via ACP only and would not need to filter by group as this would apply to all groups since its "self adjusting" and relevant regardless of group.

Other features:

  • Although my example logic is fixed (for ease of demonstration of use case) a more logical capability would be to the ability to add steps based on any time difference - like a yearly increase rather than 5.
  • ability to add custom hover text for individual steps 
  • ability to upload a custom "symbol" for individual steps (although if that adds unnecessary complexity - good with a single symbol across all steps, TBD) 
    • actual placement of symbol TBD (although if that adds unnecessary complexity - good with existing)




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