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Commerce Recommendation

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Hello Invision Staff! 

I have a rather complex need for your platform, but I feel like I can't be the only one with these desires. My feature request for the next IPS release is as follows:

Tax Rates by User Group in Commerce: 

My regular state tax rate is applied to regular members, where my Business to Business Tax Rate is applied to the User Groups "Wholesale" and "Wholesale Lv. 2" . 

How I personally would need it to function:

 IF Username IS USERGROUP Members THEN TAX RATE = [ TAX RATE SELECTION ] ( for me 7% is my state tax. )

IF Username IS USERGROUP Wholesale THEN TAX RATE = [ TAX RATE SELECTION 2 ] ( for me, 0% is my business to business tax )

Line Item Discounts:

I would like the ability to offer a discount on every item purchased when purchased in bulk, as well as give when you buy at price X, I can then offer the next item at price Y. For example:

When Username  in usergroup Wholesale buys 10 items of Product X, the entire product price per item line goes from $10.00 to $5.00 the whole way through. 

When Username in usergroup Wholesale buys 20 items of Product X, the entire product price per item line goes from $5.00 to $3.00

When Username in usergroup Wholesale buys 30 items of Product X, the entire product price per item line goes from $3.00 to $1.00

When Username in usergroup Members buys 10 items of Product X, the entire product price per item line goes from $20.00 to $14.99

When Username in usergroup Members buys 20 items of Product X, the first 10 items are $14.99 and items after the required 10, are $9.99  << -- This is a little more complex, I know, but I would really really like the ability to do this.

The way it works now (what I don't  want every time, just sometimes or in certain situations):

When Username buys 10 items of Product X, the entire product price per item line after this number of items goes from $10.00 to $5.00

When Username buys 20 items of Product X,

  • the first 10 items are $10.00 
  • the next 10 items are $5.00 
  • Items after are priced at $3.00

So, what I am saying here is, I would like a way to make it so that every single line item inherits the discounted price, rather than the items proceeding the required amount being the only line items to receive the selected price.

As you saw in my first example, I am looking to make it so either:

  • every line item is discounted
  • every item after is discounted
  • every line item is discounted and every line item after is discounted additionally

and it needs to be able to restrict the rules by the user's usergroup, where I understand that the terminology "discounted" is subject to what I may set the price too. 


Another client had pointed out that these features were not currently built in, and I just felt I wasn't configuring it correctly. Conditional logics on prices and taxes with a little more flexibility. 


I hope you guys like this idea and see it as an opportunity to provide even further flexibility to your already robust and rich platform. For us, we are doing wholesale price breaks with no taxes for B2B, and veteran discounts.


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