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including 3rd party classes/libs

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Hello everybody,

I am currently working on a plugin and having a hard time including my custom library in one of the hooks. Let's say I have a class defined in a class1.php file (location: \[IPS root path]\plugins\myExamplePlugin\lib\class1.php).

Here's what the class1.php file looks like:


class Example_class
	private static $_someValue = null;

	private static $_anotherValue = null;

	public static function setSomeValue($someValue) {
		self::$_someValue = $someValue;

	public static function setAnotherValue($anotherValue) {
		self::$_anotherValue = $anotherValue;

	public static function getSomeValue() {
		return self::$_someValue;

	public static function getAnotherValue() {
		return self::$_anotherValue;

	public static function areBothTheValuesSet() {
		return self::$_someValue !== null && self::$_anotherValue !== null;

Now, I'd like to use the above class in one of my hooks: hook1.php (location: \[IPS root path]\plugins\myExamplePlugin\hooks\hook1.php.

Here's what the hook1.php file looks like:

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )

require_once \IPS\ROOT_PATH . "\plugins\myExamplePlugin\lib\class1.php";

class hook1 extends _HOOK_CLASS_
	public function authenticate()
		$someValue = \IPS\Settings::i()->someValue;
	    	$anotherValue = \IPS\Settings::i()->anotherValue;

		irrelevant stuff		


		return call_user_func_array( 'parent::authenticate', func_get_args() );

And the error I have been getting after the authentication is:

 Whoops \ Exception \ ErrorException (E_ERROR)
Class 'IPS\Example_class' not found

Can you guys help me out with this?

You have to replace 




since Example_class isn't in the IPS namespace :)

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It works! Thanks, Daniel!




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