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IPBoard needs a useful member feedback system (not just stars)

WWOOF Australia

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Website CMS software is like vehicles......

Difficult to find one to suit all needs...you might need a pickup truck to get firewood but then you want a small car for commuting to work and everything inbetween.

So comparing WordPress to a forums software is sort of the same...Depends what you want.

No question WordPress is successful at what they do...something like 20% of all new websites are using Wordpress.

But to build a social community ...or a forums community...WordPress doesn't need to go there, but it does in a half hearted way.

Also Wordpress is a free CMS.

That's what plugins or addons are for...

A friend the other day suggested to me that Facebook has a social sharing plugin for WordPress and must be good because they can afford the best developers in the world...

But Facebook's plugin is weak...why?...because other developers make it their business to offer a better product and I'm sure Facebook couldn't really care less about their plugin for WordPress with what they have already.

The best website, in the end will be custom coded but for most of us on a limited budget.....

We will go the cheaper way...as it is way easier to create a website than just 5 years ago...let alone trying to create a blog 500 years ago!

Although I would like IPS to be everything to me...for the couple hundred dollar investment...it's great value.

Up to me to make it worth something more...and along the way I enjoy doing it.


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