Uploading to the new IPS4 gallery is done in a simple step by step wizard. You can access this by clicking the "Add Images" link on any of the gallery pages as shown below.
Once clicked, you will be asked for a Category (provided you are not already inside a category). If album selection is allowed by your usergroup and within that category, you will then be asked to either select an album or to choose an existing album
Choose Album
You will see from the above that you can select ownership and album features. The ownership setting will allow you to set who owns the album. People with the relevant permissions can easily create an album on behalf of another member. Album features will allow you to select the sort order and whether or not to allow ratings on the images. You may also have another option here of Privacy which you can see below.
Create New Album
This can be allowed on a member group basis, and will allow members to select who can see the contents of the album you are creating.
On the next step you will be able to either drag/drop directly onto the page to upload, or choose files to upload if you wish. These may be images or videos if permissions allow. You will also note (highlighted below) you can edit the default options for images that you have uploaded, such as copyrights, tags and more.
Once you have uploaded your images, you can then edit the information associated with the images you have uploaded. You will see a screen similar to the below.
You will see you can add copyright to an image using the buttons either below the individual images, or for all images as appropriate. This will allow you to enter a line of copyright text when clicked. You can also do similar for credit if you are giving credit to another copyright holder or another site for example.
Giving Credit
Clicking on to the next stage will then create the album (if you created one) and add the images as appropriate to your gallery.