3 guides in this category
With the new calendar application, you can create calendar events from iCalender feeds should you wish to do so. You would do this from the following location. Community>Calendar>iCalendar Feeds Once you go to this location you will be presented with the following screen. Feed List From a File You will notice from this screen that there are 2 ways in which to add feeds to your calendar. The first of these is by selecting the "Upload iCalendar
There are various over all settings on the calendar application that you can set up to your liking. You can find these within the following location on the admin CP Community>Calendar>Settings From here you can set up various different items, such as the format of dates on event, the way in which your calendars show (month, week, day, stream) and more
Within the calendar application, there is the ability to set up venues to be used by anyone with permission at the click of a button. This can be handy if you have specific locations for events on your site, for example, football games or motor racing events whereby there are repeated locations/venues Setting up venues Venues can be created and managed from the following location within your ACP Community -> Calendar -> Venues To create a new venue, simply selec