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Working through the ticket list is done from the support screen within the admin CP. You can do this from the following location.

"Commerce>Support>Support Requests"

Once you are here you will see a list of the tickets waiting to be 'worked'


You will see from here you can filter which requests you can see on the left, along with changing various settings at the top or creating a new ticket if needed.

After clicking on a ticket you will see something similar to the following screen, which we will go through in a little more detail


So first of all at the top pf the page you will se there are various dropdowns, each of which let you quickly stage statuses, locations, and severities of tickets. I have numbered each and provided a corresponding list of each items function below.


  1. Status - This will allow you to quickly change the status of a ticket
  2. Severity - Will allow you to quickly change the severity of a message
  3. Department - Changes the department in which a ticket is located
  4. Assignment - Allows for quick assignment of a ticket
  5. Tracking - Lets you change whether you are tracking the ticket or not
  6. Delete - Deletes the ticket from the system completely.

Next down the page we have the editor, which you would use for replying to tickets within the ticket area. Again I have numbered these and describe each function below.


  1. Allows you to switch from replying so the customer can see, or adding a hidden staff note in the ticket, which can only be seen by members of staff.
  2. This area allows yout o set the status, department, and assignment of the ticket after the reply has been submitted,
  3. This is a list of stock actions which can be used on the ticket

On the right of the page, you will see many usefull bits of information regarding the customer and the ticket. You can see the request history of the customer, invoices, and other usefull detail you may need whilst working the ticket. In addition to this you will see what item the ticket is associated with, if any (and can change this), and any custom fields you have added within your support system.


Finally, at the bottom of the page, you can  see all the messages within this ticket itself. You may also notice audits of items which have been changed on the status, depending on how this is set up.


Edited by Marc S