In many circumstances in support, you will find that you need to type the same reply, move to the same department etc over and over again. With commerce, we have removed the need to do this by adding stock actions. You may have seen these when using our own support system, if you have been asked to update your access details, or had your ticket escalated.
You will find the setup for these within the admin CP under "Commerce>Support>Settings>Stock Actions"
When first opening this, you will see a list of any stock actions which already exist within the system. Click on Create new to add a new one.
After clicking add, you will have various items you can set to happen automatically. Here I have set a stock action to set the status to open, move to the test department, and add a reply to the customer that says I have done so.
Whilst replying to a ticket, you will see a dropdown in the top right of the editor. You can use any of the stock items that are set up from this dropdown menu. Simply select the one you wish to use and everything will be set up as per the Stock Action you have chosen.