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It's important within any support system to be able to ensure you can track what is happening with any particular item at a glance. For this we have provided severities, and statuses, which you can assign to your tickets, have your customers assign, or even at times have assigned automaticaly.


Severities can be added from the following location within  the admin CP - "Commerce>Support>Settings>Severities". These would be given in order to give importance to certain tickets, or simply highlight that a ticket is maybe of less importance.

Once you are in this area, you should see a screen similar to the below.


from here you can add/edit/delete severity levels on the system. You will note that at the top you can optionally allow your customers to view an edit the severity of their tickets. To add a new severity, you would select the "Create New" button in the top right.

A typical setup of a new severity level would look something like the following.


You can see here that I have set to allow the customer to set this severity. Tickets by default are ordered by severity, and then by age. This means that by adding the severity critical to the top of the list, these would always appear first. I have also added an icon and a color which will show up on the ticket list.




Statuses can be added from the following location within the admin CP - "Commerce>Support>Settings>Severities". These can be added to show the status of any given ticket within the support system.

Once you are in this area, you should see a screen similar to the below.


from here you can add/edit/delete statuses on the system. To add a new status, you would select the "Create New" button in the top right.

A typical setup of a new status  would look something like the following.


There are a few items here which are worth mentioning. Firstly, you can set this as the default status when there is an action. So if a member or a member of staff replies to this, it will be given this status automatically. Additionally you can set it to automatically assign the member of staff to that ticket once the status is changed to this. To give an example, a member of staff may set it to "In progress" and have it automatically assign to them.

You will also note that you can display different text to your members for this status than you to to staff. This would mean that this would appear differently in the client area.


A typical support screen showing statuses and severities may look like the following


Edited by Marc Stridgen