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Customer feedback is a good way of finding out how your customers are reacting to replies within your tickets, and the performance of your staff in keeping your customers happy. Within IPS4 we provide the ability to allow rating of a staff reply, directly from the customers client area.

You can switch on Customer Feedback from within the admin CP from the following location

"Commerce>Support>Settings>Customer Feedback"



Once this is switched on, your customers will be able to give a rating to each reply they are sent, along with a note if they have anything else they wish to add


These responses can be seen within the ticket reply in the admin CP, for any administrator who has the permission to view them. Permissions for these are set within the administrator permissions section of the admin CP.


Clicking on the customer rating text will show you any feedback that was given at the same point as the rating



Within the admin CP you can also see how your ratings are 'stacking up' as a whole on your site, or see the ratings as an overview, by visiting the following location:

Commerce>Support>Performance (Note that you can change the filters to suite using the tools at the top of each report)


In this area you can also see an overview of the support system usage and replies.

Edited by Marc S