Providing Support
8 guides in this category
With purchases of any kind, there will usually be a certain amount of support that would go alongside it. This may be anything from as simple as you having a spall subscription service where someone has not been promoted, up to you selling hundreds of items a day and having product support for these. In any case, you would need support. Commerce accounts for this by giving you a ticket based support system. Support system The support system in commerce allows you to have tickets create
It's important within any support system to be able to ensure you can track what is happening with any particular item at a glance. For this we have provided severities, and statuses, which you can assign to your tickets, have your customers assign, or even at times have assigned automaticaly. Severities Severities can be added from the following location within the admin CP - "Commerce>Support>Settings>Severities". These would be given in order to give importance to
Customer feedback is a good way of finding out how your customers are reacting to replies within your tickets, and the performance of your staff in keeping your customers happy. Within IPS4 we provide the ability to allow rating of a staff reply, directly from the customers client area. You can switch on Customer Feedback from within the admin CP from the following location "Commerce>Support>Settings>Customer Feedback"
Working through the ticket list is done from the support screen within the admin CP. You can do this from the following location. "Commerce>Support>Support Requests" Once you are here you will see a list of the tickets waiting to be 'worked' You will see from here you can filter which requests you can see on the left, along with changing various settings at the top or creating a new
The first thing you will need to ensure that you set up within commerce will be your departments. These are required for the system to function and will be the area in which your tickets will be organized. You may have seen commerce departments already when you submit a ticket to our own ticket system here. Creating a Department You will find the area for setting up departments within the following location in your admin CP. Commerce>Support>Settings>Departments . When
Within the commerce system, you can use incoming email to receive tickets, rather than using the client area if you wish to do so. These can be received via various different methods, depending on your needs, and will also allow for the receiving of tickets from different emails. Incoming Email You can set these up from the following location within your admin CP. Commerce>Support>Settings>Incoming Emails Once you are here you will see a screen similar to the belo
In many circumstances in support, you will find that you need to type the same reply, move to the same department etc over and over again. With commerce, we have removed the need to do this by adding stock actions. You may have seen these when using our own support system, if you have been asked to update your access details, or had your ticket escalated. Setting Up You will find the setup for these within the admin CP under "Commerce>Support>Settings>Stock Actions"
There will be times where it would be useful to be able to capture more information within a support ticket. For example you may need to know the age of the person submitting, or know the users skype contact details. Within commerce we have given you the ability to set up as many of these as you need. Creating New Fields You can set up new fields for tickets within the following area in your admin CP - Commerce>Support>Settings>Custom Fields. When visiting this a