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Stripe support on your product can be set up quite easily, for your customers to purchase items within commerce. This can be used either for one-off payments or for recurring payments via card. Stripe supports various items such as card payments, apple/android pay, alipay and more.

You would set up any payment method, including the Stripe payment method, from the following location in your AdminCP

Commerce > Payments > Settings > Payment Methods 


Stripe API Key

We recommend when setting up stripe, you have 2 tabs open in your browser, so that you can copy and paste the relevant details from your Stripe setup, directly to the payment method setup screen within your admin CP. 

First of all, go to the payment methods section in your Admin CP, and select "Create New". Selecting the Stripe method, as shown in the image below, then click Save.


In another browser tab, log into the API section of your stripe account . If you havent created an account already, you will need to create yourself a stripe account using the register button.

On first login, you may see the following screen. If so, click on "Use the Stripe API"


If you have just set up your account, you will need to activate this before you can create an API key. Select the "Activate your account" link shown below. Here you will be asked to enter details about what you intend to use the stripe payment method for, along with bank and other details relevant for your payments to be received. 


Once activated successfully, click to get your API keys, using the link provided.


Click to show the Secret Key, as shown in the image below. You now have the 2 API keys you need to copy into your payment method in the admin CP (Leave the tab for stripe open. You will need this again)


Copy these 2 keys into the area provided in the ACP, enter a name for your payment method, and select any restrictions to countries, if required.


Payment types

In the next section of your payment method, you will see the methods that can be chosen for payment on stripe. Select the method you wish to use here for this setup. 

It is important to note, you can set up this stripe payment method more than once if you wish to use more than one of these items. For example, you may wish to provide your users with the facility to pay with apple/android pay, and also set up the facility to use cards.

You can choose here also whether or not you wish to use the 3D secure option provided by card issuers if available, and whether or not to store the card details. If you do not choose to store card details, then the card method would only be able to be used for one of payments, and not automated billing of items such as subscriptions.


Stripe Webhook

In order for Stripe to be able to tell the system when a user has paid, a webhook must also be set up. Back on your Stripe API page, select the "Webhooks" option from the menu


Select to create a new Endpoint for the webhook, in the top right of the page


Go back to your adminCP tab, and copy the endpoint URL, which is provided for you at the bottom of the payment method setup page


Copy this into the box provided, and then select "receive all events". Once you have done this, select "Add Endpoint"


Once this has been added click to reveal the Signing Secret, and enter this within your payment method, into the box provided.


You can now click save on the payment method in your admin CP, and this will be available for use within commerce purchases.