About Me
I started a new website called Relationships Revealed. If you're interested, which you should be hehe... Here's the link - http://relationshipsrevealed.com
Here's what it's about. Everyone has had their fair share of problems and issues with relationships. Anyone who says that they haven't is a liar. So, with that being said, this site is here to help people in any way they can. Whether it's problems, break-ups, marriage, divorce, sexual troubles, having trouble meeting someone new and much more...
Let me start off by saying this, I'm by no means a relationship expert and anyone who knows me knows this to be true lol. But, it's not all about being a professional, it's about helping people through tough times and trying to give them the confidence to stick it out and try to make the relationship work. Or trying to help those who are down in the dumps get back on their feet and start over fresh. You don't have to have a degree to help people. You have to be there to listen to them and try to give the best advice possible.
I'm hoping that everyone joins the site and will either post their problems that they've had in the past and how they got through them. Or let us know what's going on now and see if we can help you in any way. Even if you're not willing to post problems of your own, you may be able to help someone else who is having problems. Please give it a shot before passing judgment, that's all I ask.
Now please keep in mind, that the site is brand new at the time of this post, so there are not many people on there at all. I'm asking for all of you to help me with getting it populated. If you would be so kind as to copy/paste this into a bulletin for me, that would be great and I would really appreciate it. That will help get the word around about the site. Ask your friends to do the same if you don't mind.
Thank you and I hope to see you on there soon!