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  1. KiwiGym started following .mohamed
  2. File Name: M&M Shoutbox Alpha 3.0.1 File Submitter: .mohamed File Submitted: 12 Apr 2006 File Category: Components hi, this is a new shoutbox that based on ajax style codes with php and javascript for ultimate performance without any page load or resources consumption ..this mod is still in alpha phase , so it is a baby so don't over push in asking for setting as it is still starting also for the delete part it delete but don't update for you only on next refresh you see things deleted for layouts there is soon a tool for layout adding for look in browsers: right now look differ a bit in a browser to another ,this will be totally overcomed in next versions Alpha 2 * Changing whole technique to a new super fast one * droping queries to 0 ..yes zero there is no tables for storing chats anymore * chats are stored locally in php file * couple of fixes and setting removed where included as atuo upgrading step:: 1) Reupload all Files 2) run www.yourforum/intro.html 3) choose step Upgrade From v1 to v2 4) go chmode sources/action_public/mohamedmods/chatoo/chat.php to 0777 Alpha 3 *admincp Shoutbox Added * Look fixed in all browser [down part of shoutbox] * Spellchecker removed * Stoarge setting added with two choices for database or file stoarge * Speed Enhanced * Codes rewritten with bug fixes and security issues tighten for the add of admin shoutbox need * Admincp Shoutbox setting in component only seen by root admins upgrade steps from any version to alpha 3 :: 1) go into ftp and delete sources/action_public/mohamedmods/chatoo/spell folder with all its content 2) reupload all files from alpha 3 mod pack and replace old ones 3) run intro into your browser then choose uninstall 4) after running uninstall and success go back and start running install again 5) go ahead through edits and makesure to do the new edit skin_acp/IPB2_Standard/acp_skin_html/cp_skin_index.php 6) head for admincp/management/manage user groups/ redo chatoo settings for them 7) head for admincp/components/chatoo/settings/ redo settings done upgrade success to alpha 3 go test shoutbox Alpha 3.0.1 *Stoarge sanity fix with couple of optimization upgrade from alpha3 to alpha 3.0.1 : reupload sources folder[ Goodluck enojoy the light shoutbox :) Click here to download this file
  3. File Name: M&M RSVP Event System v3.0.1 File Submitter: .mohamed File Submitted: 20 Apr 2006 File Category: Components Installing this mod will add an Event System to your website, configurable via the ACP. You can use this to take signups or reservations for a range of possibilities, including (but not limited to): Petitions, competitions, reservations, census, polls, etc. Reserve your copy of this unique & powerful sign up system which will allow you to host unlimited events for your members to sign up/Rsvp. This system will allow you to host multiple event signups concurrently such as product reservations, seatings at an event, signups for competitions held, reserve installation service, parties and much much more. see testboard for more info this based on the paid one RSVP Coyote System Version 2.0.6 written by bfarber and funded by China J.......permission given to me from both to do this mod for free for 2.1.x............. v3.0.1 Fixed problem in defaults file goodluck and enjoy Click here to download this file
  4. File Name: M&M Delete skin_groups File Submitter: .mohamed File Submitted: 01 Jun 2006 File Category: Minor Modifications many people have many skin_groups in their skin templates like skin_shop ,skin_award so on that their uninstaller of the mod didn't remove and noway to remove them except from database phpmyadmin or by sql query in the sql box or use my mod it give you a remove button beside any non default group skins you have so you can delete it any time you want Click here to download this file
  5. File Name: M&M Delete skin_groups File Submitter: .mohamed File Submitted: 01 Jun 2006 File Category: Modifications many people have many skin_groups in their skin templates like skin_shop ,skin_award so on that their uninstaller of the mod didn't remove and noway to remove them except from database phpmyadmin or by sql query in the sql box or use my mod it give you a remove button beside any non default group skins you have so you can delete it any time you want and it have a confirm javascript and uses ipb frame so delete without refresh :) Click here to download this file
  6. File Name: M&M_Announce System_v3.0.2 File Submitter: .mohamed File Submitted: 03 Oct 2006 File Category: Modifications A system that adds announcement to board index allowing you choosing from 5 types of displaying forms including "hover" with Timer all settable fron admincp / Tools and Settings / Announce System Edits:: * Only one Skin Edits . * Rest done By Installers . 2.1 *Three Types Of Forms :: 1) Hover , 2) Box , 3) News . * Timer For Hover Type To disappear. *hover Type move With Scroller. v3 *Another type added:: SlideNews *Ability of editing Announce Title *More javascript less edits. v3.0.1 *Alarm Type added *Fixed something in slider that caused it to stuck sometimes and also to allow some html in it. v3.0.2 * Slide type support html * to upgrade from v3.0.1/3 just redo first edit in boardindex / pagetop Expected in nex version v3-E *Choosing groups to only show Announce to. *Allowig smilies [Emoticons] and BBCode in announce. *Setting Number of times to display announce to a member. *Settting Timer for Announce System to turn off. For More Info See Demo Link. Click here to download this file
  7. File Name: M&M_Forum Image System v4.1 (Fixed) File Submitter: .mohamed File Submitted: 24 Oct 2006 File Category: Modifications in ACP / MANAGEMENT /Forum Settings and you will find 3 fields for image including width and height control . it is a new idea by time i will make it like a gallery for each forum so that each member can add his wanted image for each forum to be for him only now it have images with it and uploading/deleting/preview/slideshow images ability v4: new version released , this is an official release , mod bugs fixed mod worked on all browsers , tested *please follow the upgrade instruction carefully in the donotupload/instruction.html file inorder to get it working smoothly v4.1 fixed an error fopen(log.txt) to upgrade just reupload all files Click here to download this file
  8. File Name: M&M Filter PM BY Sender~ reciever File Submitter: .mohamed File Submitted: 31 Oct 2006 File Category: Modifications this small mod add the ability to filter your pms by certain member names that sent you pms before for example someone sent me a pm his name is john then his name will appear in the filter list and if choosen and clicked go then all pms i recieved by john will be listed only enjoy Click here to download this file
  9. File Name: M&M i-creator RC1.1 (Systems Creator) File Submitter: .mohamed File Submitted: 10 Nov 2006 File Category: Modifications This system Give the ability to setup infinite number of systems , each system is different from the other and fit to all type of systems support,cocktials,reviews,so on... allow custom fields making , multicommands ability , hidding ability , rating , commenting , screenshots and much more also allow downloads system but that is supported in the paid packages of this mod here is a demo system made by this tool http://www.invisioneyes.com/screen.gif http://www.invisioneyes.com/screen2.gif http://www.invisioneyes.com/screen3.gif note: this system will support importing old bfarber systems for 2.0.x soon vRC1.1 fixed edit bug reupload all files Click here to download this file