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Matt Finger

Invision Community Team
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  1. Matt Finger's post in GA4 page_view vs IPS Data Layer content_view was marked as the answer   
    Yes, page_view is every page while content_view only triggers when viewing a specific content item (e.g. topics, blog entries, etc). The listings and your landing page, however, do not count.
    Just due to the nature of site navigation, clicking around several times before finding a piece of content is quite common, so the page_view is usually quite a bit larger than content_view.
    Comparing the two can actually be a good metric to observe (especially if you can get the trend over time). It tells you, of your total traffic, who's browsing and who's just reading content.
  2. Hi aXenDev,
    Good find, we're in the process of pushing a patch for this issue. Sorry for any inconveniences this may have caused.