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IP.Nexus 1.1 Dev Update: Miscellaneous Enhancements - Part 2

For our final entry on IP.Nexus 1.1, I'd like to sum up some of the additional general tweaks and enhancements since our last blog entry.

Marking an invoice unpaid

In IP.Nexus 1.0, once an invoice has been paid, there is no way to mark it "unpaid". While for most circumstances this makes sense, in the event a check bounces or something similar, you may want to undo everything done when the invoice was marked paid.

In IP.Nexus 1.1, when you attempt to mark a paid invoice unpaid, you'll see a screen like this:

This explains clearly what will happen, including:

  • Which purchases will be deleted.
  • Which purchases will have their renewal dates changed (if the invoice was a renewal invoice).
  • If anyone will have any commission revoked.
  • Which shipping orders will be deleted.

It will also warn you of any unexpected circumstances, such as if a purchase has been transferred to a different member, commission earned from the purchase has already been spent, or if any shipping orders have already been shipped:

Purchase Page

In IP.Nexus 1.0 there are specific pages in the Admin CP for viewing invoices, transactions and shipping orders. In 1.1, we've also added a page for viewing all the information about to a purchased item.

This allows you to view all information about a purchase which could sometimes be difficult to find previously, such as the invoice which created it, any renewal invoices, if the member will be returned to a different group when the purchase expires, and more.

Cancelling a Purchase

It could sometimes be confusing what "cancel" means when referring to a purchase. Sometimes you just want to disable renewals, sometimes you want to revoke any privileges gained by owning a purchase, and sometimes you want to delete it entirely.

In IP.Nexus 1.1, when you select cancel, it will present all of these options to you, explaining which does which, so that you can decide what action to take:

Share Links

We have added share links to the Store's product pages.

Print Invoice

While customers could always print invoices from their client area, we've also added a print button to the invoice page in the Admin CP.

Usability tweaks

We've made a few small tweaks to the interface to make things easier to use, including:
  • We've added a "duplicate" button for packages, to save you having to select the same settings for similar packages.
  • We've added a link to the customer page when viewing a shipping order.
  • We've added a "Save and Reload" button when editing packages.
  • We've added a button when viewing your purchases in the client area to submit a support request associated with a purchase right from the list.

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