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In an application like IP.Nexus, it is important to have verbose logging features. Frequently you may wish to look over a the past actions of a customer to assist them, to check for suspicious activity or just for your own records.
In IP.Nexus, every action taken on a customer account is logged and can be viewed from the customer's information page.

IP.Nexus features a customer page in the Admin CP (which will be discussed more in a future blog entry). From here, you can access their history page. This is what it looks like:

Please note that the interface shown in this screenshot is not finalised and subject to change.

The log can be sorted so that newer actions show first, or older. You can also filter the log by event type, so for example, if you just wanted to see the transactions made for the account, you could uncheck all the boxes apart from transactions. As soon as you check or uncheck a box, the results list is immediately updated to reflect this (no page refresh).

The actions logged are:

  • Account Changes - if a member changes their name, address, telephone number, EMail address or password (or a member of staff does) the action is logged along with the previous values. If the change was made by a member of staff, which staff member is logged.
  • A purchases is made (i.e. a package is added to the customer's account).
  • The information for a package (such as the custom fields information) is edited. If the change was made by a member of staff, which staff member is logged.
  • A member of staff (and who) cancels, reactivates or deletes a purchase from the customer account.
  • A purchase is transferred to or from the account, the account it was transferred to or from is also logged along with the member of staff performing the transfer.
  • A member of staff (and who) changes the purchase to a different package (this is done when a package is deleted from the Admin CP).
  • A purchase expires.
  • An invoice is generated. Whether the invoice was generated by the member (store purchase), the system (renewal invoice) or a member of staff (and who) is also logged.
  • A member of staff (and who) resends, changes the status of or deletes an invoice.
  • A coupon or account credit is used against an invoice.
  • An invoice expires.
  • The system automatically processes an invoice because the total to pay is zero.
  • The customer makes a transaction. It is also logged if the transaction was automatically approved, held for review, or failed.
  • A member of staff (and who) approves or denies a transaction.
  • A support request is filed. If filed by a support member, it will be noted who, and if the support request was filed because of a received Email, this will also be noted.
  • A staff member (and who) adds, edits or deletes a note on the customer's account.
  • A staff member (and who) sends the customer an Email, and the content of that Email.
  • The member requests a credit payout.
  • A member of staff (and who) dismisses a credit payout request.