There are many areas of IP.Nexus which the user needs to be able to manage: past orders, active purchase, support requests, etc.
We decided, rather than trying to shoe-horn these features into the User CP, which was not really designed for such functions, to create a new "Client Area", specific to IP.Nexus.
This is what it looks like:
In this blog entry we'll be talking about the "Purchases" and "Invoices" sections of this Client Area.
The "Purchases" section (shown above) will list all active purchases on your account.
Clicking the "View Info" button takes you to an overview page for the purchase:
Here you can update any custom package fields if the field allows you to do so (fields can be set to not be editable after purchase if you desire).
If the item has renewal terms and you are within the time you are allowed to renew the package, you can click "Renew Now" to renew. Doing this will take you straight to the payment screen, and once paid, the expiry date will be updated.
If the package is part of a group which allows upgrading and downgrading, you can click the "Change Package" button to do so:
Depending on your settings, upgrading may be free or they may be charged the difference, and if downgrading, they may be refunded the difference - exactly what will happen, along with the new renewal terms is shown for each selection.
If the user must pay the difference to upgrade, they will be taken to the payment screen and once payment clears, the package will be changed.
If the user is to be refunded the difference when downgrading, it will be applied as credit on their account (we will discuss account credit in a future update).
This is what the Invoices screen looks like:
As you can see, invoices are separated into tabs:
Pending invoices are orders which the user has started but not finished or cancelled, or have been generated by the system (for example, when a package is due for renewal) or have been generated by an administrator.
Paid invoices are past orders which the user finished successfully.
Expired invoices are previously pending invoices which have now expired. The user can still pay expired invoices, but the service they relate to (for example if it is a renewal invoice) would have deactivated.
Cancelled invoices have been cancelled by the user or an administrator.
You can click on an invoice to view details:
If the user can pay an invoice, they will see the "Pay Now" button which will take them to the checkout page (which we discussed previously in this blog entry).
If the user has credit on their account, they will also see an "Apply Credit" button which will allow them to use their account credit against the invoice total.
This concludes the Invoices and Purchases area of the Client Area. We will be discussing other areas of the client area in future blog entries.