IPS4 provides an extensive GraphQL API to provide a way to build apps and integrations that extend and enhance your community.
Using GraphQL outside of the Invision Framework
If you want to use the GraphQL API outside of the IPS Framework, you have to create an OAuth Client and grant it access to GraphQL.
When using an Client ID key, all queries are run as the user, or as alternative, you can use
to set a
specific member which will be used as the currently logged in member.
When using OAuth, all queries are run as the specific member.
The endpoint to run the queries is
A simple example to fetch club information from the club with ID 1:
require_once 'init.php'; $key = "f7f7ccea934691456ca45f873800688d"; $query = "{core{club(id:1){name}}}"; $result = \IPS\Http\Url::external( rtrim( \IPS\Settings::i()->base_url, \'/\' ) . \'/api/graphql/index.php\' )->request()->login( $key, "" )->post( array(\'query\' => $query) )->decodeJson(); print_r($result);Returns
Array ( [data] => Array ( [core] => Array ( [club] => Array ( [name] => test ) ) ) )
Or the same request with plain cURL
$key = "f7f7ccea934691456ca45f873800688d"; $communityUrl = ""; $query = "{core{club(id:1){name}}}"; $url = curl_init( $communityUrl . '/api/graphql/index.php' ); curl_setopt_array( $curl, array( CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => TRUE, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH => CURLAUTH_BASIC, CURLOPT_USERPWD => "{$key}:" CURLOPT_USERAGENT => "MyUserAgent/1.0" CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => [ 'query' => $query ] ) ); print_r( json_decode( curl_exec( $curl ), TRUE ) );
Using GraphQL inside the Invision Framework with internal methods
Queries can be run within templates with help of the graphql
template helper.
For example {graphql='{core{me{name,email,url}}}'}
will return a JSON object
with the name, email and profile url of the currently logged in Member
Inside PHP Userland code, you can use the \IPS\Api\GraphQL::execute( $query,
$variables )
method to run queries and mutations.
Returns a list of blogs
- id List of ids
Returns a Blog
- id List of ids
Returns a list of blog entries
- blogs List of ids
- offset
- limit
- orderBy
- orderDir
- honorPinned
Returns a Blog Entry
- id List of ids
Create a new blog entry
- blog
Create a new comment
- entryID
- content
- replyingTo
- postKey
Available Fields:
- id
- name
- url
- itemCount
- commentCount
- children
- hasUnread
- items
- follow
- nodePermissions
- uploadPermissions
- tagPermissions
Available Fields:
- id
- url
- title
- seoTitle
- views
- commentCount
- isLocked
- isPinned
- isFeatured
- hiddenStatus
- updated
- started
- isUnread
- timeLastRead
- unreadCommentPosition
- findCommentPosition
- follow
- tags
- author
- container
- content
- contentImages
- hasPoll
- poll
- firstCommentRequired
- articleLang
- lastCommentAuthor
- lastCommentDate
- comments
- itemPermissions
- uploadPermissions
- reportStatus
Available Fields:
- id
- url
- timestamp
- author
- reputation
- content
- isFirstPost
- isIgnored
- isFeatured
- hiddenStatus
- articleLang
- commentPermissions
- reportStatus
- entry
Returns active user information
Returns a club
- id List of ids
Returns a list of clubs
- clubs List of ids
- offset
- limit
- orderBy
- orderDir
Return a generic piece of content
- url List of ids
Returns a member group
- id List of ids
Return language data
- id List of ids
Return login handler data
Return the logged-in member
Return a member
- id List of ids
- loggedIn List of ids
Returns a list of members
- members List of ids
- offset
- limit
- orderBy
- orderDir
Returns a messenger conversation
- id List of ids
Returns a list of messenger conversations
- folder List of ids
- filter
- search List of ids
- searchIn
- offset
- limit
- orderBy
- orderDir
Returns the member's messenger folders
Returns available notification types
Returns promoted items
- count List of ids
Returns popular contributors
- limit
- period
Returns search results
- term List of ids
- type
- offset
- limit
- orderBy
- orderDir
Returns values of system settings (subject to the setting being exposed by the API)
Returns community stats
Returns an activity stream
- id List of ids
Returns a list of user's activity streams
Follow a node, item or member
- app
- area
- id
- anonymous
- type
Unfollow a node, item or member
- app
- area
- id
- followID
Mark a notification as read
- id
Upload a file to be an attachment
- name
- contents
- postKey
- chunk
- totalChunks
- ref
Delete an attachment
- id
- editorLocation
- locationId1
- locationId2
- locationId3
Ignore a member
- member
- type
- isIgnoring
Change a notification setting
- id
- extension
- type
- push
- inline
Leave a PM conversation
- id
Leave a PM conversation
- id
- memberId
Add a user to a PM conversation
- id
- memberId
Available Fields:
- count
- users
Available Fields:
- url
- lang
- anonymous
- ipAddress
- timestamp
- user
Available Fields:
- id
- ext
- name
- size
- image
- thumbnail
- date
- uploader
Available Fields:
- consumedUploadSize
Available Fields:
- id
- name
- seoTitle
- type
Available Fields:
- id
- name
- type
- seoTitle
- createdDate
- memberCount
- members
- owner
- icon
- coverPhoto
- isFeatured
- about
- lastActivity
- nodes
Available Fields:
- id
- reactionId
- count
- image
- name
Available Fields:
- id
- groupType
- name
- canAccessSite
- canAccessOffline
- canTag
- maxMessengerRecipients
- members
Available Fields:
- id
- type
- isBeingIgnored
- lang
Available Fields:
- id
- url
- name
- title
- timezone
- joined
- notifications
- notificationCount
- posts
- contentCount
- reputationCount
- solvedCount
- ip_address
- warn_level
- profileViews
- validating
- group
- isOnline
- lastActivity
- lastVisit
- lastPost
- secondaryGroups
- defaultStream
- allowFollow
- follow
- content
- clubs
- photo
- coverPhoto
- customFieldGroups
- maxUploadSize
- canBeIgnored
- ignoreStatus
- messengerDisabled
- messengerNewCount
Available Fields:
- title
- isDefault
- locale
- phrases
- phrase
Available Fields:
- id
- title
- text
- icon
- color
- url
Available Fields:
- id
- url
- title
- seoTitle
- commentCount
- started
- isUnread
- timeLastRead
- unreadCommentPosition
- findCommentPosition
- author
- content
- contentImages
- firstCommentRequired
- articleLang
- lastCommentAuthor
- lastCommentDate
- comments
- itemPermissions
- uploadPermissions
- reportStatus
- folder
- participants
- activeParticipants
- participantBlurb
- lastMessage
- updated
Available Fields:
- id
- name
- count
- url
Available Fields:
- id
- member
- isActive
- isBanned
- lastRead
- leftDate
- lastReply
Available Fields:
- id
- url
- timestamp
- author
- item
- reputation
- content
- isFirstPost
- isIgnored
- isFeatured
- hiddenStatus
- articleLang
- commentPermissions
- reportStatus
Available Fields:
- id
- type
- app
- class
- itemID
- sentDate
- updatedDate
- readDate
- author
- title
- content
- url
- unread
Available Fields:
- id
- disabled
- default
- value
Available Fields:
- id
- extension
- group
- type
- name
- description
- lang
- inline
- push
Available Fields:
- id
- title
- votes
- questions
- closeTimestamp
- isClosed
- isPublic
- hasVoted
- canVote
- canViewResults
- canViewVoters
- canClose
Available Fields:
- id
- title
- isMultiChoice
- votes
- choices
Available Fields:
- rep
- user
Available Fields:
- id
- groupId
- title
- fields
Available Fields:
- id
- fieldId
- title
- value
- type
Available Fields:
- id
- addedBy
- images
- title
- url
- item
- itemType
- description
- timestamp
- reputation
- dataCount
Available Fields:
- indexID
- itemID
- objectID
- containerID
- url
- containerTitle
- class
- itemClass
- firstCommentRequired
- content
- contentImages
- articleLang
- title
- unread
- hiddenStatus
- updated
- created
- isComment
- isReview
- replies
- relativeTimeKey
- author
- itemAuthor
- club
- reactions
Available Fields:
- id
- hasReported
- reportType
- reportDate
- reportContent
Available Fields:
- id
- reason
Available Fields:
Available Fields:
- count
- results
- types
Available Fields:
- contentCount
- memberCount
Available Fields:
- id
- title
- member
- isDefault
- items
Available Fields:
- name
- url
Available Fields:
- base_url
- tags_enabled
- tags_min
- tags_max
- tags_min_req
- tags_len_min
- tags_len_max
- tags_open_system
- site_online
- site_offline_message
- board_name
- reputation_enabled
- reputation_highlight
- reputation_show_profile
- allow_reg
- allow_reg_target
- allow_result_view
- geolocation_enabled
- version
- privacy_type
- privacy_text
- privacy_link
- reg_rules
- guidelines_type
- guidelines_text
- guidelines_link
- forums_uses_solved
- allowedFileTypes
- chunkingSupported
- maxChunkSize
- automoderationEnabled
- reportReasons
Available Fields:
- name
- ref
Returns a list of forums
- id List of ids
Returns a forum
- id List of ids
- password List of ids
Returns a list of topics
- forums List of ids
- offset
- limit
- orderBy
- orderDir
- honorPinned
Returns a topic
- id List of ids
Returns a post
- id List of ids
Create a new topic
- forumID
- title
- content
- tags
- state
- postKey
Create a new post
- topicID
- content
- replyingTo
- postKey
React to a post
- postID
- reactionID
- removeReaction
Mark a forum as read
- id
Mark a topic as read
- id
Mark a topic solved
- id
- answer
- solved Boolean ( Default Value: 1)
Vote in a poll in a topic
- itemID
- poll
Vote on a question
- id
- vote
Vote on an answer
- id
- vote
Set a post as best answer
- id
Report a post
- id
- reason Int ( Default Value: 0)
- additionalInfo
Report a post
- id
- reportID
Available Fields:
- id
- name
- url
- hasUnread
- follow
- nodePermissions
- uploadPermissions
- tagPermissions
- solvedEnabled
- lastPostAuthor
- lastPostDate
- featureColor
- isRedirectForum
- redirectHits
- passwordProtected
- passwordRequired
- topicCount
- postCount
- subforums
- topics
Available Fields:
- id
- url
- timestamp
- author
- reputation
- content
- isFirstPost
- isIgnored
- isFeatured
- hiddenStatus
- articleLang
- commentPermissions
- reportStatus
- topic
- answerVotes
- isBestAnswer
Available Fields:
- id
- url
- title
- seoTitle
- views
- isLocked
- isPinned
- isFeatured
- hiddenStatus
- updated
- started
- isUnread
- timeLastRead
- unreadCommentPosition
- findCommentPosition
- follow
- tags
- author
- content
- contentImages
- hasPoll
- poll
- firstCommentRequired
- articleLang
- itemPermissions
- uploadPermissions
- reportStatus
- forum
- isArchived
- isHot
- isSolved
- solvedId
- canMarkSolved
- solvedComment
- hasBestAnswer
- bestAnswerID
- canSetBestAnswer
- postCount
- posts
- lastPostAuthor
- lastPostDate
Available Fields:
Returns a gallery image
- id List of ids
Available Fields:
- id
- name
- url
- itemCount
- commentCount
- hasUnread
- items
- follow
- nodePermissions
- uploadPermissions
- tagPermissions
- owner
- lastImage
- latestImages
- item
Available Fields:
- id
- url
- timestamp
- author
- item
- reputation
- content
- isFirstPost
- isIgnored
- isFeatured
- hiddenStatus
- articleLang
- commentPermissions
- reportStatus
Available Fields:
- id
- url
- title
- seoTitle
- commentCount
- isLocked
- isPinned
- isFeatured
- hiddenStatus
- updated
- started
- isUnread
- timeLastRead
- unreadCommentPosition
- findCommentPosition
- follow
- tags
- author
- container
- content
- contentImages
- firstCommentRequired
- articleLang
- lastCommentAuthor
- lastCommentDate
- comments
- itemPermissions
- uploadPermissions
- reportStatus
Available Fields:
- id
- url
- title
- seoTitle
- views
- commentCount
- isLocked
- isPinned
- isFeatured
- hiddenStatus
- updated
- started
- isUnread
- timeLastRead
- unreadCommentPosition
- findCommentPosition
- follow
- tags
- author
- container
- content
- contentImages
- firstCommentRequired
- articleLang
- lastCommentAuthor
- lastCommentDate
- comments
- itemPermissions
- uploadPermissions
- reportStatus
- caption
- hasAlbum
- album
- nextImage
- prevImage
- credit
- copyright
- isMedia
- maskedFileName
- originalFileName
- smallFileName
- fileSize
- location
- dims
Available Fields:
- id
- url
- timestamp
- author
- item
- reputation
- content
- isFirstPost
- isIgnored
- isFeatured
- hiddenStatus
- articleLang
- commentPermissions
- reportStatus