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Invision Community 5: The story so far...


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Just six short weeks ago, Ehren hit record on a video that changed everything for Invision Community.

The blog was called "Introducing a fresh new vision for Invision Community 5," and it ripped up the rule book on what forums should look like and revealed a slick new look featuring a new forum home feed view and sidebar navigation.

A lot has been discussed, but we're not even close to done!

Before we bring you news of more features after Thanksgiving, I wanted to take a mid-season break to recap what we've seen so far.

First up was the introduction video, which gave a broad overview of the new UI Invision Community 5 would be sporting. Ehren takes us through many new elements, including the sidebar navigation, forum feed view, simplified post view and more.



Up next was a focus on dark mode, accessibility and mobile views. Invision Community 5 features the ability to have native dark mode without additional themes or complex variables to set up. Our aim with Invision Community 5 is to hide the complexities and technology and just let you focus on creating a great community experience for your audience.



Bringing complex theming to everyone was the message in the blog talking about the new theme editor. Now, you can make wide-ranging changes to your theme without the need to edit CSS or manage HTML templates, all driven by a smart and simple interface.



Next, it was my turn to talk about a new feature. I introduced two new features designed to help those who run support-based communities. Finding the most helpful answers and identifying community experts help your members do more with less time and frustration.



Last week, Ehren demonstrated our new icon and badge builder, which is an amazingly powerful tool to produce slick and professional badges along with the ability to customize your community further with emojis and icons for menus, reactions and more. Building ways to reduce the barrier to customization has been a strong theme for Invision Community 5.




We can all agree that we've showcased a lot of impressive functionality coming with Invision Community 5 already.

But what does the future hold?

Lots! We have a lot of new functionality that we're putting the finishing touches on, and we can't wait to show you more. These new features further help to reduce noise in topics, make the community feel alive and bring long-needed updates to core components such as the editor. Not to mention, there is a significant update to Pages underway.

We also have a lot of less flashy updates, such as the new consolidated Feature/Our Picks feature, which is now a single feature.



An improved Moderators Control Panel brings a more uniform experience across deleted, hidden, and content waiting to be approved.


Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage, Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, Monitor, Screen

We're still on course for a release of Invision Community in early 2024 and can't wait for you to experience the future of forums.

What has been your favourite feature so far? I'd love to know; drop a comment below!

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Oh my gosh, I cant believe there's more! IPS stretches out their features like stores stretch out Black Friday shopping.  You start in August and end some time in December.  Whew! 

This is a ton for an initial release, and while theme refreshes and design are always nice, I'm excited that the most community-impacting features are yet to come. 

Edited by Joel R
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"Not to mention, there is a significant update to Pages underway."

👀 👀 👀 👀

"We also have a lot of less flashy updates, such as the new consolidated Feature/Our Picks feature, which is now a single feature."

This is promising and definitely reduces a lot of duplication of features across the community. Will there be any further optimisation/features for Our Picks as well? Ability to filter entries by content type/node category, auto-feature of certain content nodes (ie. automatically Our Pick a 'News' Pages record), that sort of thing? It'd be great to use this as part of a more advanced homepage feature!

Looking forward to hearing more. Hopefully there will be more to say about other apps as well (Gallery, Blogs, etc) but I'm happy with the chat about theming, Forums and Pages so far! Thanks for all the amazing updates! 😄

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All IPS releases include multiple types of security scans before release. In addition their corporate customers also run their own various scans as well. 

Anytime an issue is identified, a fix is generally pretty quickly released. New updates also flag if the fix contains security fixes or if they are just general bug fixes. 

IPS does a pretty good job in its approach to security. Like any company, there is always room for improvement but they do a good job overall. 

Edited by Randy Calvert
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  • 2 months later...

"Not to mention, there is a significant update to Pages underway."

Oh God no, our applications are closely ingrained with pages xD might be time to move our databases to azure/AWS O.o


One thing one of our admins can't seem to let go of: Version 5 will be available to all cloud customers correct? Including the ones still on a legacy plan?

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5 will be available to all our cloud customers, yes.

In terms of pages, it would be worth seeing what those changes are once we announce them before migrating entirely. After all, even if the changes were huge, it would still involve change no matter where you move them to

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1 hour ago, Dreadknux said:

Studying Page Turner GIF by US National Archives

I'm enjoying the story so far, but can we get some more chapters to complete the book? 😄 I enjoyed the once-a-week cadence of reveals a few months ago, and I'm hoping we're near the end of our mid-season break and can return to that? 🙏

I can't wait to see what new pages are added to the story! 🙈

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On 2/21/2024 at 3:14 PM, Dreadknux said:

Studying Page Turner GIF by US National Archives

I'm enjoying the story so far, but can we get some more chapters to complete the book? 😄 I enjoyed the once-a-week cadence of reveals a few months ago, and I'm hoping we're near the end of our mid-season break and can return to that? 🙏

We have a few more things to announce, but we're just finalising our internal reviews. I want to do a status update on v5 early next week and outline the next steps.

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48 minutes ago, Dreadknux said:

Quick, let's try to find clues in Matt's emojis 👀

🤔-Thinking about the bug
👀-Looking for the solution to the bug
📰-Writing the fix for the bug
➡️-Exiting when he realised the bug fix didnt work
👤-Hiding in the shadow to see if anyone notices


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