Developer Connection
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1,736 topics in this forum
- 12 replies
Hello, After several attempts and a search on the forum, I have not found a solution. I created a new application, set an admin module with a default controller but I have no menu that appears for my application. Did I forget a step? Thank you for your clarification.
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 2 replies
Hi, Are there any ips:template documentations? Thanks
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I had this code in 4.1 that worked perfectly: $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Ftp( 'directory_ftp', $this->ftp, true, array( 'validate' => false ), function( $val ){ if( empty( $val ) ) { $val = \IPS\Request::i()->directory_ftp; } $conn_id = ftp_connect( $val['server'], $val['port'] ); $login_result = ftp_login( $conn_id, $val['un'], $val['pw'] ); if( !$conn_id || !$login_result ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'FTP Connection Failed' ); } ftp_pasv( $conn_id, true ); if( !ftp…
Last reply by HeadStand, -
- 1 reply
Hello, "Complete My Profile" header block generate a lot of sql queries. Steps to reproduce - Enable query log - Create first step and add custom field - On front-end you can see 2 queries - Add new field in the step - On front-end you can see 3 queries - Add new field in the step - On front-end you can see 4 queries - Add new step with 1 custom field - On front-end you can see 6 queries - etc.
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 4 replies
A few of my apps utilize the built in custom profile fields to manage user data. In 3.x, the unique key ensured we got data from one field, and one field only. In 4.x, there is no unique key for custom profile fields. There is no way to ensure the field you're calling is the one with the data you're expecting. Custom fields are a great functionality, however there is no way to limit the client from creating more than one field of your custom type. So while custom fields help a great deal, there is still no guarantee that it is unique. Is there any way we can get a unique key re-added for profile fields to simplify the process of locating a custom field with th…
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 6 replies
Hey, If the IPS on a "clean" installation, can restore files to the forum? Or would it be in this case, easier to install and build the pages again because it is not yet a big forum. Thank you!
Last reply by Tracy Perry, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
i don't usually do "default inserts" when i add a table, but i added a table in one of my apps which had default inserts. however when the upgrader ran and added the table, queries.json doesn't contain the default inserts, which caused an error when users were trying to use the app after the upgrade. so could queries.json also include default inserts if they are added to a table?
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I have this code $table = new \IPS\Helpers\Table\Db( 'core_sys_lang_words', $baseUrl, $where ); $table->tableTemplate = array( \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'tables', 'core', 'admin'), 'table' ); $table->rowsTemplate = array( \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'tables', 'core', 'admin' ), 'rows' ); $table->advancedSearch = array( 'word_app' => array( \IPS\Helpers\Table\SEARCH_NODE, array( 'class'=> 'IPS\Application', 'subnodes' => false, 'permissionCheck' => function( $app ) { …
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
foreach( $this->value as $k => $v ) { $class = new $classType( $this->name .'_validate', $v, FALSE, $this->options, $this->customValidationCode, $this->prefix, $this->suffix); $class->validate(); } parent::validate(); Has new change refer to \IPS\Helpers\Form\Stack::validate ? this code take same $this->customValidationCode closure for each $this->value and \IPS\Helpers\Form\_FormAbstract::validate if( $this->customValidationCode !== NULL ) { call_user_func( $this->customValidationCode, $this->value ); } Why this? how I can manage for a function same closure (into secure purpose, one is Stack::validate array…
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I have some difficult to understand why doing on 4.2: \IPS\Output::i()->output = $output; if( \IPS\Dispatcher::i()->application->directory == 'cms' ) { \IPS\cms\Databases\Dispatcher::i()->output = \IPS\Output::i()->output; } on 4.1.19 the code working fine like \IPS\Output::i()->output = $output; For example when a member reach the url /articles.html/articles/test-r1/?do=getPoll it seem I must assign also for cms Dispatcher instance the output value, it don't autopopulate the subclass? EDIT: The "issue" happen also when try to run via AJAX ?do=edit a record of articles EDIT 2: /** * @brief Singleton Instance (So we do…
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I am wanting to add a horizontal row of 2 or 3 ads at the bottom of my pages. I can see how to do this and have them appear underneath each other but I want them to appear side by side. Is this best done by adding a table and placing the ad keys within each cell? If so can someone show a novice the step by step way of doing this in the Themes If there is a better way then please let me know. Thanks, Wade
Last reply by Wade Nash, -
- 2 replies
Hello, 1. Any reason why you use duplicate code in appmenu template? applications/core/dev/html/admin/global/appmenu.phtml {{if count( $item ) > 1}} <li data-menuKey='{$appAndModule}'> <h3>{lang="menu__{$appAndModule}"}</h3> <ul class='ipsList_reset'> {{foreach $item as $key => $url}} <li> {{$badgeNumber = NULL; try { $badgeNumber = \IPS\Application::load( mb_substr( $appAndModule, 0, mb_strpos( $appAndModule, '_' ) ) )->acpMenuNumber( $url ); } catch( \Exception $ex ){ } }} {{if $badgeNumber}} <a href='{url="$url"}'> {lang="menu_…
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
I might be missing something, is there a way in nexus on a license key invoice, to change the usage data? if not, is this a feature we will be seeing in the future?
Last reply by CodingJungle, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I need to strips html tags from the $content in a plain text email template. I try to use strip_tags but I got a syntax error, unexpected '$return' (T_VARIABLE)
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 2 replies
Hi All, I would like to display on top of each forum, the forum moderators, but only the current forum moderators. Can someone redirect me to the right direction? Thanks in advance
Last reply by Dor Zuberi, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Is it possible to post to the search form from a third party site? In other words, the keyword field and search submit button would be on a different site, then it would forward the user to the community site with the search results. So it would need to accept the POST fields. The problem I'm having is the search form uses some kind of csrfKey (hidden input) to validify that the search came from the site. Any way around this?
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hello, I am trying to pass data from my PHP controller to a JavaScript controller. The data could be either a number or a JSON object. The best thing I can think of right now is to get the ID from the URL that the page loads the JS controller on and then use Ajax to retrieve the JSON object but if there is a better way, please let me know. Thanks
Last reply by FNDN Admin, -
- 5 replies
Here is what I would like to do. Hope someone can tell me how to accomplish. I have created 4 side bar advertising locations. I have placed them at the bottom of my side bar. They are called LowerAD, LowerAD1, LowerAD2 and so on. So I understand the basic (very basic) process. I would like to create a banner location that is specific to pages. For example. I would like to create a custom banner location that appears on all the Index pages. I would like a custom placement for the Index Headder and the Index Footer. I would like to create a custom banner location that appears on the Forum pages. I would like a custom placement for the Forum Heade…
Last reply by Mark Round, -
- 1 reply
I'm developing an application that heavily relies on manipulating tables on remote databases. ActiveRecord is compatible with this no problem, because of its db() function. But Nodes, not so much \IPS\Node\Model and \IPS\Node\Controller would be a lot more compatible with situations like this if they called the ActiveRecord::db() function for queries, instead of \IPS\Db::i()
Last reply by GriefCode, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I would know if is possible to assign a item into multiple categories without edit all method for urls / langs bit / related. I am thinking to use tags because it is ready to use but I don't checked already if it provide some permissions per groups. Thanks for any helps
Last reply by HeadStand, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
I having issue when try to join 3+ \IPS\Db\Select to a subquery... $join[] = [ \IPS\Db::i()->select( ... ), \IPS\Poll\Vote::$databaseTable .'.'. \IPS\Poll\Vote::$databasePrefix . ''] ; $join[] = array(\IPS\Db::i()->select( ... ), $class::$databaseTable . '.' . $class::$databasePrefix . $class::$databaseColumnMap['poll'] . ''); $join[] = array(\IPS\Db::i()->select( ... ), $class::$databaseTable . '.' . $class::$databasePrefix . $class::$databaseColumnMap['poll'] . ''); $subquery = \IPS\Db::i()->select( $select, 'core_polls',$where); foreach ( $join as $j ) { $subquery->join( $j[0], $j[1]); } $query = \IPS…
Last reply by BomAle, -
- 4 replies
Hello We use 3.2.2 and currently use IP Board "login name" and "password" for a membership area on another website. (ie. they can login to the website using their IP Board Login name and current password) Can anyone tell me ---- if we upgrade to 4, will that membership area still work on the other website as it currently is, or will some code adjustments be required? If adjustments would be required, any specifics on what would need to be adjusted code-wise would be most helpful. Thank you very much
Last reply by dacho, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
I would extend $databaseColumnMap adding "poll" => "poll_state" but I don't know how. Currently I have a hook on __construct() Records.php but when i try to call statically the class like \IPS\cms\Records1::$databaseColumnMap["poll"] it is not called yet... I see \IPS\cms\Application have a autoload, how I can interact when class is evalued/initialized? $multitons could help me here? anyone use another spl_autoload_register to permise it?
Last reply by BomAle, -
- 1 reply
Hey, I am building a JavaScript mixin to load with a controller and I am having trouble loading it in IPS version The problem is when I try to load the script, I get two forward slashes in the URL which leads to it being not found:<domain>//applications/<appname>/... I looked in the system/Output/Output.php and on line 231, there is a comment: /* @see */ but the link leads to an error. The problem seemed to be…
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
The code here could be improved call buildEditForm instead of: $form = new \IPS\Helpers\Form( 'form', isset( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->words[ $recordClass::$formLangPrefix . '_save' ] ) ? $recordClass::$formLangPrefix . '_save' : 'save' ); $form->class = 'ipsForm_vertical'; foreach( $formElements as $name => $field ) { $form->add( $field ); } this permise developers to add for example new tab @Matt some details into mp (remove $collection)
Last reply by bfarber,