Help shape the future of Invision Community by suggesting new features or giving feedback on existing functionality.
We would love to hear your ideas for future versions of Invision Community. If you see a feature idea already posted that you like, make sure you reply and let us know!
25,489 topics in this forum
Detach member numbers from table IDs
by Guest Hancoque- 9 replies
I'm quite unhappy with how the member numbers (e.g. "Member No.: x" in the topic view) are "calculated". The member number is currently just the ID of the member, but if members get deleted those numbers get wrong. There's also a problem with member validations. For example two members register on the board but only the second member passes the email validation while the first member gets deleted after some time. This causes that one number is skipped. If every member number would be saved independently in the database, this problem could be circumvented. It would be easily possible to correct the numbers by recounting all current members while giving everyone a new numbe…
Last reply by Antony, -
Show Emoticons in Fast Reply View
by Guest Antony- 8 replies
Instead of that Popup, can the Emoticons in the Fast Reply View please be a Javascript Maxmize/minimize thing, a bit like the fast Reply itself. Anyone Agree?
Last reply by Why Two Kay, -
Here's a suggestion, make the Admin features...
by Guest dlindner- 2 replies
I want to do some extremely simple tasks. I've used Ikonboard and Vbulletin and the admin features are extremely easy to navigate and understand. My suggestion is to alter your admin control panel to make it much easier to understand. Unfortunately, I have no opportunity to change basic features like font colors, assign moderators, and remove features because your doc's section is far too general and doesn't explain anything. Even worse is that I'm left dealing with people with their hands out wanting to be paid $200 for the answers to simple questions because they know you cannot find it on your own since they wrote the useless doc's section. It's a shame that I …
Last reply by Why Two Kay, -
Custom Profile Field suggestion
by Guest Oncle Tom- 10 replies
In the Topic View Format? option we can add content which will be displayed in a topic. But at least, it can't use templates variables such as {ipb.script_url} etc. In the topic view, variables are raw, they are displayed as is, not replaced by their value. It would be very handy to use templates variables (in order to make a link to a special part of they profile, for example to notice their collection of games etc).
Last reply by Oncle Tom, -
IPB 2 | ACP : edit member
by Guest Oncle Tom- 6 replies
Hello, in the Post Office, there is a way to honour the "receive mails from administrators". That's good but the only way to disable it for a member is ... to do it himself, admins can't disable this feature for him. As we can edit many informations about a member, why not this one ? (but maybe not letting admins subsribing a member for informations, just in one way).
Last reply by Oncle Tom, -
AdminCP with lang files!
by Guest IBResource ltd.- 1 reply
AdminCP with lang files :) for non-english boards.
Last reply by Germany, -
Emoticons in signatures
by Guest Halcy0n- 15 replies
Don't know if its a bug or not, but I'll assume you meant for emoticons not to show up in signatures. Anyway they should be able to be used! I have to use the bbcode every time I want to use a smiley in my sig :(
Last reply by .Daniel, -
Time based member group advancement
by Guest tranceandy- 3 replies
Currently you can advance a member to a new group, giving them enhanced features, when they reach x no of posts. This is great but is open to abuse. It would be better if the admin could choose that system or a time based system on how long the member has been at the forums. Does anyone agree?
Last reply by Antony, -
forum and topic naming
by Guest scylla- 2 replies
this is a feature that i actually like about proboards and would like to see new invision boards inherit this feature for more friendlier spider & bot visits (and better search results). Basically, a proboard will call the board name, it wont call it something like "f=224" heres a board from my old proboard.. It doesn't name the topics the same way though.. However, i'd still like to see these features in the next invision board line ups. That would definitely give a huge edge over vbulletin forums. Hell, either make it a feature or a hack for those of us who want it.
Last reply by Antony, -
Report This Post Suggestion
by Guest websurfer- 2 replies
There are some mmebers at my board who report EVERYTHING. How about an option to choose weather or not a group can use the feature (as long as it's enabled in settings)? That way the ones who overdose on the bs can be in their own group and can't report anymore.
Last reply by Antony, -
IPB Portl
by Guest ckeenan- 2 replies
Hello I would like to see the ip portal have a diffrent setup for displaying topics. Example: As i am aware you can highlight topics in the order of your forum to be displayed on the ipb portal EX: General Chat 143 News 144 Gaming 145 ect... My problem is i cannot slect General Chat and Gaming without having the news highlighted. SO my suggestion is to have a category list with check box's there so you can slect the onec you want or a typing box to enter the categorie number example 143,145 Also i would like to be able to have a setting where you can be able to let people which are logged out or not registred to be able to see only one message on the IPB po…
Last reply by Antony, -
Members Personall Pinned Topics
by Guest Antony- 4 replies
I would like to See a Feature where Members Can have thier Own Topics, that Appear In Every Forum, and Below the Row of Pinned Topics. This would be Usefull when you need a Specific peice of information on the Forums, and want to refer to it for future Use. How usefull would others find this?
Last reply by Antony, -
Board Skin Manager
by Guest scylla- 3 replies
I'd like to see a board skin manager in the skin box on the admin control panel. something where you can see all the boards and apply what skins you want to the boards that you want. (with a radio box perhaps). Because i have over 160 boards on my forum and it can be a real pain to manually set each one.
Last reply by Antony, -
Suggestion - skin specific avatars
by Guest skyline315- 0 replies
I want to make it skin specific. For are two of our avatars. Those avatars are for our dreaming tree skin. For another skin, it'll be similar, but the outside border will be a different color, and the tree images will be gone with something that better matches the second skin. And so on... I really only care to have this as an option for mods/admins, but I guess it'd be cool if offered to all members as an option...when they upload an avatar they could have an option to make it just for that skin or for all the skins...
Last reply by skyline315, -
Defaulte Langauge Setting !
by Guest fr33z- 0 replies
Hi, I am new in IPB, i like to ask how to set default langauge, i wanna use thai as default, now i import thai lang packgage already but still english is deafult. so what should i do. i use ipb ver 1.3.1 Thx
Last reply by fr33z, -
A buncha Suggestions
by Guest kenshin_warior- 24 replies
1) Have it come with more skins ( like you get a certain skin from 1Lotus in addition) 2) Integration with Mambo and PHPNuke (until IP.Dynamic comes out) 3) Have it come with integrated PHPAdsNew, or your own ad service, that has permissions (ie: Subscribers don't view ads, but guests and normal members do) 4) Add support for slicing up Invision Power Board so you can place them in frames on your site. 5) Better documentation 6) Less $$$ 7) Font system, so you can install custom .ttf fonts onto your server and use them (unlike the mod, where the user has to download the font first) And a couple of questions: 1) Was this made on Mac OS X? 2) Is there any way I c…
Last reply by kenshin_warior, -
Remove Windows server check in Lo-Fi
by Guest Kyanar- 0 replies
The check to see whether you are on a Windows server for the purposes of using the / format URLs or the ? format URLs is pointless as Windows also supports the / format URLs. This would save a millisecond or so of processing time and make boards on Windows servers more searchable
Last reply by Mat Barrie, -
Inbox sorting
by Guest pk62004- 1 reply
would be great if we could get the messages in our inbox to be sorted by user. I hate having to dig through hundreds of PM's to find what I'm looking for. Maybe even have the sorting be similar to a gmail email where conversations are grouped together.
Last reply by Why Two Kay, -
Flexible Group Member Titles
by Guest elj- 2 replies
Just a small suggestion - would it be possible to have more Group Member Title options? Basically, in Group Settings, an option for 'Fixed' member titles - this means that as an admin, you can set a fixed member title for a group - e.g. if you have a Community Admin group, all their member titles say Community Admin, etc. And then a checkbox next to it for 'Flexible' member titles for this group - this allows for members to change their member title as they want, and it would be nice to have an option to 'Override Post Count Setting' on or off for that group, so they can still change it if they have below a certain post count. Just my 2C.
Last reply by Why Two Kay, -
Permission settings
by Guest Trel- 1 reply
I was thinking invision needed one of the two following options (or both) -Permission setting pre-sets. You set which permission masks have permission to which things for a forum, then when you create a forum, you can apply one of the pre-sets you made -Permissions like, when you make a forum, you can select to make it initially copy the permission settings of another forum. However chaning one of them would still be separate so it just gets the settings initially from the other.
Last reply by Why Two Kay, -
limit ACP access/login to one IP
by Guest pk62004- 5 replies
I have comcast cable and primarily update my site at home, so for security reason, it'd be great to have a feature where accessing/login into the ACP can only be done from one IP address. And of course, this can be changed. ie: Limit acp access to this IP address? [text box to enter the IP address]
Last reply by Alex Duggan, -
double <br /> after [code] tag
by Guest varle- 1 reply
as in topic, i dont want to see double <br /> tag after CODE tag - i was looking in post_parser.php for this function, but its too complicated here. if I add something in [/CODE/] [//CODE/] in editor, and then free line, it should display one free line as in phpBB. however it displays two free lines - <br /><br />. can someone help me pls ?
Last reply by Michael_C, -
Disallow searching in specific forums
by Guest Vatoloco- 0 replies
I have a couple forums that I would like to turn off the search feature for (like an Off-Topic forum). It would be nice to save the load on the server for more important searches. I think it would be best if it was an option that could be set for the forum under the permissions section where it has "Show Forum / Read Topics / Reply Topics / Start Topics / Upload". That way you could still allow admins/moderators to use it in that forum.
Last reply by Vatoloco, -
IPB Portal Suggestion
by Guest chefelf- 6 replies
I really like the simplicity of IPB Portal and have been using it for a little while now. One feature I was hoping to see in the 2.0 release (after having wanted it in 1.3) was the ability to select posts to be displayed by forums AND by users. Example: In IPB Portal you can select what forums you want to display on the IPB Portal index page. Would it be possible to further refine this by selecting individual users or user groups as well? This would give you the ability to say: Display posts in forums 4, 12, 18 and only by users 1, 63, 218 and 642. That way you could essential assign particular users "authorship" priveleges for the portal page rather than having…
Last reply by chefelf, -
Admin CP - For Mod/Super Admins
by Guest Tyler M.- 3 replies
When a mod/super admin uses the Admin CP there are certain things they can not see. I think it would be a good idea if the SMTP PASSWORD was at least blocked with the password field... so it was not readable i.e. ****** This is not a bad idea even for the Admin. Since it is a password, any attempt to block it from being readable even over the shoulder would be helpful... Is just a matter of finding the input field, and changing it to password?
Last reply by Tyler M.,