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Magnum Theme [ support topic ]

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@jcdesign @TAMAN.... I think I got confused am I right in saying, If you buy the Magnum theme, you get 'Different articles style' free. 

The way it is written in the Magnum theme listing seems like the magnum theme comes free when you by 'A different article styles'


A different article styles
Magnum theme comes free with A different article styles

Should really say, 'A different article styles comes free when you buy the magnum theme'

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3 hours ago, Kurisu87 said:

Hi, @TAMAN. I was looking at this theme and it says when you purchase 'A different article styles' You get this theme free? Where would you download it from after purchasing?

Hi! Yes "A different article style" is included with the theme folder :)

2 hours ago, jcdesign said:

I don´t know If Taman first must approve the Download link?

Only if someone reviewed the theme : )




2 hours ago, Dean_ said:

@TAMAN - Is it possible to hide sub forums? So it only leaves the main category link. If so can a setting be added to which you can select which categories you want to show sub forums on the main page. Something like the category styling where you type the name of the category and choose from there.

Or is it easy enough to do within the custom.css



There are no settings for that, but it is very easy with custom.css

Example, if you want to hide all sub forums under a category named "A test Forum"

[cat-title="A test forum"] > ol li > .ipsDataItem_main > .ipsDataItem_subList {display:none;}


17 minutes ago, Kurisu87 said:

@jcdesign @TAMAN.... I think I got confused am I right in saying, If you buy the Magnum theme, you get 'Different articles style' free. 

The way it is written in the Magnum theme listing seems like the magnum theme comes free when you by 'A different article styles'

Should really say, 'A different article styles comes free when you buy the magnum theme'

wait!, Its supposed to mean if you buy magnum theme you get "A different article styles" for free xD damn my english is so bad :sweat: I will fix it later 

anyways, If you buy magnum theme, A different article styles is free LOL

Edited by TAMAN

34 minutes ago, TAMAN said:


There are no settings for that, but it is very easy with custom.css

Example, if you want to hide all sub forums under a category named "A test Forum"

[cat-title="A test forum"] > ol li > .ipsDataItem_main > .ipsDataItem_subList {display:none;}


Brilliant that's worked.

Edited by Dean_


We are unable to access submenu items when on an iPad with the theme - as we click on the menu it simply loads the main menu item and doesn't expand to show the submenu.

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3 hours ago, Wayne B said:


We are unable to access submenu items when on an iPad with the theme - as we click on the menu it simply loads the main menu item and doesn't expand to show the submenu.

Will be fixed in next version :) thanks for reporting 

Hey, stupid question. Now I can not find any where I can change the background color of the message field, such as in this example


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mmm, take another screenshot how am i supposed to know what is that, where is that? what message field :rofl:

Edited by TAMAN

Is there a way to show location on the the tablet/mobile view @TAMAN ? As the AuthorPane on the left moves to the top.

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3 hours ago, CP_User said:

Is there a way to show location on the the tablet/mobile view @TAMAN ? As the AuthorPane on the left moves to the top.

what is location? 

15 hours ago, TAMAN said:

what is location? 

Sorry custom profile fields, I think some fields use ipsResponsive_hidePhone which hide when viewed on a tablet or phone?

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10 minutes ago, CP_User said:

Sorry custom profile fields, I think some fields use ipsResponsive_hidePhone which hide when viewed on a tablet or phone?

All custom profile fields is hided on phone 

you can remove ipsResponsive_hidePhone in customFieldsDisplay template : ) 

11 minutes ago, TAMAN said:

All custom profile fields is hided on phone 

you can remove ipsResponsive_hidePhone in customFieldsDisplay template : ) 

Thank you,

What's the correct way to edit it out, I want to make sure the line break remains.

{{foreach $author->contentProfileFields() as $group => $fields}}
	{{foreach $fields as $field => $value}}
	<li class='ipsType_break'>


{{foreach $author->contentProfileFields() as $group => $fields}}
	{{foreach $fields as $field => $value}}




  • Author
{{foreach $author->contentProfileFields() as $group => $fields}}
	{{foreach $fields as $field => $value}}
	<li class='ipsType_break'>


Thank you very much!

Is there a way in which I can set a background image, yet have the slider switched on but with no image being used, but still use the text?

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4 hours ago, CP_User said:

Is there a way in which I can set a background image, yet have the slider switched on but with no image being used, but still use the text?

No, not really, because the slider needs an overlay to hide other slides

2 minutes ago, TAMAN said:

No, not really, because the slider needs an overlay to hide other slides

Is it something that can be done at a later date? Or just wouldn't work?

Also, would you ever do a dark version of this skin?

Edited by CP_User

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6 minutes ago, CP_User said:

Is it something that can be done at a later date? Or just wouldn't work?

Well, i haven't tried, but what im sure about is the slides are all on top each others, so basically your current active slide image and the background color hides your other slides otherwise it is messy slider if you remove the slide images and background color, overlay pattern...

it can be done with css but needs alot of work, i would help but really dont have time to work on this now, sorry mate, maybe another time :) 

Edited by TAMAN

2 minutes ago, TAMAN said:

Well, i haven't tried, but what im sure about is the slides are all on top each others, so basically your current active slide image and the background color hides your other slides otherwise it is messy slider if you remove the slide images and background color, overlay pattern...

it can be done with css but needs alot of work, i would help but really dont have time to work on this now, sorry mate, maybe another time :) 

Well thanks for answering, I'm looking at your other dark theme, but I seem too attached to this one as it suits my needs more. Cheers!

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Just now, CP_User said:

Well thanks for answering, I'm looking at your other dark theme, but I seem too attached to this one as it suits my needs more. Cheers!

it is not just dark, a white theme also :) 

Anyways, sorry ^^ 

34 minutes ago, TAMAN said:

it is not just dark, a white theme also :) 

Anyways, sorry ^^ 

Yea I've see that!

Last question, is there a way to overide the text on the slider if I use my own font?

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Just now, CP_User said:

Yea I've see that!

Last question, is there a way to overide the text on the slider if I use my own font?

use your custom font like this custom.css

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans');

/* slide header */.swiper-slide .slide-container h4,
/* slide content */.swiper-slide .slide-container .ipsType_richText{
	font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;


3 hours ago, TAMAN said:

use your custom font like this custom.css

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans');

/* slide header */.swiper-slide .slide-container h4,
/* slide content */.swiper-slide .slide-container .ipsType_richText{
	font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;


How would I do it with a font like a .TTF file which I have on my computer which I can upload and use?

Would this be correct? (This has worked, but not sure if it's right)

@font-face {
  font-family: 'MYFont';
  src: url('http://www.mysite.com/MYFont.TTF');

/* slide header */.swiper-slide .slide-container h4,
/* slide content */.swiper-slide .slide-container .ipsType_richText{
	font-family: 'MYFont', sans-serif;


Edited by Dean_

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16 minutes ago, Dean_ said:

How would I do it with a font like a .TTF file which I have on my computer which I can upload and use?

You need to use @font-face rule to include the font 


@font-face {
    font-family: Yourcustomfontname;
    src: url(YouCustomFontLink.ttf);

/* slide header */.swiper-slide .slide-container h4,
/* slide content */.swiper-slide .slide-container .ipsType_richText{
	font-family: "Yourcustomfontname", Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;


Note: ttf browser supports http://caniuse.com/#feat=ttf

You should also get other formats of your font 

to use multiple formats of your font

@font-face {
  font-family: 'MyWebFont';
  src: url('webfont.eot'); /* IE9 Compat Modes */
  src: url('webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), /* IE6-IE8 */
       url('webfont.woff2') format('woff2'), /* Super Modern Browsers */
       url('webfont.woff') format('woff'), /* Pretty Modern Browsers */
       url('webfont.ttf')  format('truetype'), /* Safari, Android, iOS */
       url('webfont.svg#svgFontName') format('svg'); /* Legacy iOS */


1 minute ago, TAMAN said:

You need to use @font-face rule to include the font 

Thank you, I've edited my post and I did it correct. Once again, cheers for the help!

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