Help shape the future of Invision Community by suggesting new features or giving feedback on existing functionality.
We would love to hear your ideas for future versions of Invision Community. If you see a feature idea already posted that you like, make sure you reply and let us know!
25,489 topics in this forum
Subscribing to a forum or topic
by Guest Yuksel- 0 replies
Why cant i see in topic view or forum view for which topics/forums i have been subscribed? I think a little icon in front of each topic/forum you have been subscribed would help a lot.
Last reply by Yuksel, -
Help opening board, stuck in log in required
by Guest NightStar- 0 replies
Our board was set up to require members to log in to view and post to our board, I want to change this so that they can view the board in guest mode, but still have to log in to post to the board. Can someone help me with figuring out how to change this? Thanks much, Pammila
Last reply by NightStar, -
Select [All] while purging/moderating, etc.
by Guest Keven Fox- 1 reply
I'd love to have a button here (see photo) to select ALL at least on that page for topics. Any chance?
Last reply by Keven Fox, -
topic views counter
by Guest jlin- 11 replies
I noticed something strange about the topic views counter. The counter increases every time I refresh the page within a topic and every time I view the topic even when there are no new posts; and when I post messages in topics, the counter increases by 2 (that is, one while viewing before posting and another when I'm sent back to the topic after making the post). Some people lurk in topics and refresh to see if there are any new posts or if there is anyone that's entred the topic; this leads to misleading topic view counts. Is there any way to have the view count *not* increase when the same user views the topic more than once when there are no new posts?
Last reply by Cheule, -
Usergroup colours
by Guest Cheule- 0 replies
I love the feature in the Users And Groups section where you can colourize the Member groups as has been done here at IPS. I've been running a single board with a single skin for some time now and made full use of this feature with no problems. But while making a second skin this week, the limitations have hit me. Would it be possible to move this feature from the Users and Groups section and include it in the Skinning section instead? That way, you can have different colours based on the skin that the members are using. For example, licensed customers here have a nice red colour which works well enough, but what if IPS gave us a red-based skin as an option? Most of the…
Last reply by Cheule, -
2.1 Suggestions
by Guest wikel- 3 replies
Would be nice if the search function would display not only the forum but also the parent cat that the topic resides in. When you have cats with the same structure underneath them, you are forced to put the cat name in the forum name or the search output is worthless. I might have 20 different general discussions for different cats, but them all show in search as being under "General Discusion"... question is WHICH ONE?
Last reply by Wolfie, -
Undelete feature!
by Guest cooldude7273- 4 replies
Okay, sometimes I wanna put a topic back to its orginal place that was previously placed in the recycle bin. Only problem is I don't remember where it came from! What would solve this? And undelete feature! Juts like the one in Windows where you can go into the recyle bin and press "Restore this item" Thats basically what I'm looking for! Watcha think?
Last reply by Wolfie, -
by Guest Johnnie- 5 replies
Can I suggest an additonal post indicator that you have voted in a poll, also have the option to view what each member voted on.
Last reply by Wolfie, -
More bot control.
by Guest [GS] HiTMaN- 3 replies
It would be nice if you could specify per forum whether or not a bot such as googlebot should index that particular forum. Personally, I have a few such as Just Chit Chat that I would perfer just not burden the bots with. This would also reduce the bandwith used by search engine spiders. :thumbsup:
Last reply by Wolfie, -
Updated moderator control
by Guest Wolfie- 0 replies
When assigning a moderator group (or even a specific user) and assigning their moderating abilities, you can assign different powers per forum. Well, if you want to modify, say, 5 different forums for the same person, giving them the same powers in all 5 forums, you have to do the same edit 5 times (that I know of). Perhaps where an edit page could come up with a list of the forums in a box where multiple forums could be selected, then the different powers chosen, and then applied. [ multi-line box listing all forums ] --- moderator options like delete, move, edit, pinning, etc --- [apply] [cancel] Also the ability to pick a specific forum and "Load" those set…
Last reply by Wolfie, -
deleted posts
by Guest BloodShadow- 1 reply
mods and admin should be able to recall deleted posts
Last reply by Wolfie, -
'Smart' Moderator Notifacation System
by Guest Tucker- 3 replies
Reason: Currently in the IPB system, along with a number of message board systems, the only 'problem member' checks there are is the bad word filter, report button, and, of course, mods generally reading through topics on the board. What if a 'smarter' system could be developed that would automatically notify a moderator, or add the topic to a 'check queue' if certain indicators of negative activity are found? The current bad word system, for example, cannot determine between the word 'ass' in reference to a donkey, or another member. Idea: The system could run on two or three different bases. First of all, we again would have a problem word list. But instead of removing…
Last reply by Wolfie, -
IPB 2.1.0 or 2.0.1 Suggestions Topic
by Guest 123- 1 reply
i had to make a copy of that topic so a normal members can suggest too my suggetions:
Last reply by Wolfie, -
A few ideas
by Guest Wolfie- 0 replies
1) Custom profiles "checkbox" and "buttons" Checkbox - use the same box as the "drop down menu" box for adding in choices, except without adding in the "a=" and "b=" etc. More like: Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 etc Then, multiple choices could be selected/deselected. Such as having an "interests" checkbox, those interests could be specific. example, favorite sci-fi shows/movies, "star trek" "star wars" "terminator".. You get the idea. Buttons - same as the checkbox/drop down menu, except that it would be "none" by default, but once one is selected, then they can't re-default it to none. As an example, gender.. blank (not picked) by default, but once chosen, …
Last reply by Wolfie, -
Auto-PM reply
by Guest Hector- 5 replies
I would really love to see a feature where whenever a user got PM'ed he/she would auto send an automated message back to the sender. One really common use for this would be if you went on vacation and had this auto reply to tell users about that.
Last reply by Jasonawojo, -
Mods needs to be able to add user in groups
by Guest nicoo- 2 replies
- This has to exist, because it is too time consument for the admin to do that work, if you have a lot of users - Also great would be the ability to have different group of mods and Teamleader for these groups. If you have a huge forum you need lots of mods. If you have a lot of mods, you need in a way to be sure everyone is doing fine and some of them have to give others some advices and so on. So you need a leader, who will know how his team is working, who is doing good job and not. You can not talk with all your mods, so you have at least one in every team that you talk with. There is a need that he is leader so that other mods can see that, and hear to his "command…
Last reply by Halcy0n, -
admincp link to edit user in user profile page
by Guest aoLhaTer- 2 replies
It would be beneficial to have a link in each users profile that would direct an admin to the admincp edit user page for that particular user this is done in vbulletin and its quite convenient this of course would only show up for admins
Last reply by aoLhaTer, -
Upgrade of the SSI Functionality
by Guest bangbang023- 5 replies
Well, I'm actually considering buying a one year liscence, but there is a major issue that is stopping me. The mod I use on 1.3, SSI+ Plus, is integral to running my site. It will not be updated to be compatible with IPB 2.0. Is there any hope of an SSI system built right into IPB 2.0 that is as powerful as SSI+ Plus was at extracting customized information from the forums?
Last reply by bangbang023, -
PM Buddies/Block List
by Guest digifae- 0 replies
Not sure if this has been mentioned. Can we have the PM Buddies/Block List section updated so it can become a little more useful? Currently you can only add a description to the person's username and that is all. How about additional information where we can create the custom fields ourselves, like we can do with the profile. So the custom field option applied to this section as well. I'd think it would be a good idea for people to be able to use the address book to neatly store address/names/phone numbers etc. With the ability to export it to a txt file if they want.
Last reply by digifae, -
Avatars linked to skin
by Guest Xandur- 1 reply
It'd be REALLY cool to have the option to set the avatar folder when choosing a skin, that way you could make custom avatars for each skin that would totally integrate into the skin. If you can do it to smilies, It shouldn't be to tough to add it to avatars. Then again, I'm no coder. :D
Last reply by SportCenter, -
[Skinning Suggestion for v2] To do with css..
by Guest fishgeek- 5 replies
Although this is not directly related with the IPB code, I thought it might help... I thought maybe it would be helpful is maybe a guide on what css codes effect which region :huh: , I'm in a pickle :unsure: at the moment trying to work out which ones effect which areas. (what you have done with the css color easy mode is great! o:) )
Last reply by ZenAtomiser, -
IPB visual and skin test idea!
by Guest Miles the Fox- 0 replies
The idea is to do a skin program to test visual and skin for IPB, in the program you will be able to manage the CSS, Board Wrappers, Images, and etc, but not post or register, will be sample topics and etc to test, you will be have the original IPB CSS and ALL their images, and you will be able to change it, to test your visual and images for your IPB boards! What you think about the idea of this program? :charles:
Last reply by Miles the Fox, -
Search feature when editing languages
by Guest robirming- 0 replies
I love the search feature in the templates section, it saves a lot of time when skinning. It would be wonderful to see the same thing when editing languages. This would save you a lot of time, especially when having more than one language like I have. Another reason to have it is that it's not possible right now to search the actual text parts in an easy way, since they're in text fields.
Last reply by robirming, -
Lists Within Posts
by Guest MAMS- 0 replies
Guided mode for inserting Lists, whether just <ul> and <li> tags or the ability to add ordered lists too. Would make life easier.
Last reply by MAMS, -
Topic View Permissions
by Guest elj- 0 replies
Maybe an option that groups that aren't the default lowest (ie members) can set 'topic view permissions' when posting a topic - just a checkbox that makes it available to Admin, Moderators, etc, and you can untick what you don't want.
Last reply by elj,